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Vray Next - Substance Painter | Ecosystem and Plug-ins

Vray Next - Substance Painter

Substance Painter 2020.1 (6.1.0) ships with VrayMtl shaders for both metallic and specular workflows. You can setup your Substance Painter project using the VrayMtl template, which will configure your viewport shader.

Under the Shader Settings, you can configure the Vray shader for working with VrayMtl.


If your project was setup to use UV Tile UDIM Legacy. Use the Vray Next UDIM output template.

To export textures for rendering in Vray Next, choose the Vray Mtl Output template.

Vray Material (Vray Next - Metallic/Roughness)

Substance Painter ExportVRayMtl
BaseColor(Maya) Diffuse Color (Amount = 1.0)
(3ds Max) Diffuse

(Maya) Reflection / Roughness (BRDF = GGX) + (Use Roughness enabled)

(3ds Max) Roughness → BRDF/ Use GGX and enable Use roughness

Metallic(Maya) Reflection/ Metalness
(3ds Max) Metalness

(Maya) Bump and Normal Mapping / Map (Map Type = Normal in Tangent Space)

(3ds Max) Bitmap → Normal

Height(Maya) Displacement Shader / displacement
(3ds Max) Object modifier → VrayDisplacementMod → Tex Map

(Maya) Subsurface Scattering / Translucency Color
(3ds Max) Translucency → Back-side color

AnisotropyAngle(Maya) Anisotropy / Anisotropy Rotation
(3ds Max) BRDF / Rotation
AnisotropyLevel(Maya) Anisotropy / Anisotropy
(3ds Max) BRDF / Angle

Vray Material (Vray Next - Specular/Glossiness

Substance Painter ExportVRayMtl
Diffuse(Maya) Diffuse Color (Amount = 1.0)
(3ds Max) Diffuse
Specular(Maya) Reflection / Reflection Color (Amount = 1.0)
(3ds Max) Reflect

(Maya) Reflection / Roughness (BRDF = GGX) + (Use Roughness enabled)

(3ds Max) Glossiness → BRDF / Use GGX and enable Use glossiness


(Maya) Bump and Normal Mapping / Map (Map Type = Normal in Tangent Space)

(3ds Max) Bitmap → Normal

Height(Maya) Displacement Shader / displacement
(3ds Max) Object modifier → VrayDisplacementMod → Tex Map

(Maya) Subsurface Scattering / Translucency Color
(3ds Max) Translucency → Back-side color

AnisotropyAngle(Maya) Anisotropy / Anisotropy Rotation
(3ds Max) BRDF / Rotation
AnisotropyLevel(Maya) Anisotropy / Anisotropy
(3ds Max) BRDF / Angle

Maps that represent data will need to be interpreted correctly. Please see the Color Management page for more information.

This example show the Substance Painter viewport using the Vray Metallic/Roughness shader and the Vray render using Maya.

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