- Home
Game Engines
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine 5
- Unreal Engine 5 overview
- Unreal Engine 5 Release Notes
- Plugin Overview - UE5
- Plugin Settings - UE5
- Substance Input Image - UE5
- Material Instance Definition - UE5
- Material Template Usage - UE5
- Out-of-the-Box Material Templates
- Tiling Substance - UE5
- Substance 3D Plugin Default Templates
- Substance 3D Assets Library Usage - UE5
- Blueprints - UE5
- Unreal Engine 5 Scripting
- Installing to Source Builds
Unreal Engine 4
- Unreal Engine 4 overview
Unreal Engine 4 plugin release notes
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Plugin Overview - UE4
- Plugin Settings - UE4
- Substance Input Image - UE4
- Material Instance Definition - UE4
- Tiling Substance - UE4
- Working with Bump Offset (Parallax) - UE4
- Working with Displacement - UE4
- Source in UE4
- Live Link in UE4
- Blueprints - UE4
- Unreal Engine 4 Scripting
Unreal Engine 5
- Unity overview
- Unity Release Notes
- Downloading Substance 3D Plugin in Unity
- Unity Plugin Overview
- Unity Preferences
- Optimization Guidelines
- Upgrading Projects/Known Issues
- Managing Substance Graphs
- Changing parameters
- Generated Textures (Packing)
- Rendering Color Space
- Using Image Inputs
- Publishing for Mobile
Substance 3D for Unity Scripting
- Unity Scripting overview
Class Documentation
- SubstanceEditorTools
- SubstanceRuntime Class
- SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class
- Scripting in Unity (Deprecated)
- API Overview
- Scripting API
- C# Example Script
- Substance 3D Assets Library Usage
- Removing Substance Plugin
- Substance 3D in Unity Tutorials
- Physical Size in Unity
- Sharing sbsar Files Between Projects
- Lumberyard
- Roblox
Unreal Engine
3D Applications
- Maya
- 3ds Max
- MODO overview
- Modo Plugin Release Notes
- Substance in MODO Overview
- Modo Installation
- Parameters
- Custom Materials
- Working with Normals
- Working with Emissive
- Bump and Displacement
- Working with References
- Animating Substances
- Copy/Duplicate Substance
- Environment and Rendering Setup
- Modo Switch Engine
- Tiling Modo textures
- Cinema 4D
- Houdini
- Blender overview
- Release Notes
- Substance in Blender Overview
- Downloading and Installing the Plugin
- Preferences
- The Substance 3D Panel
- Shortcuts and Navigation
- Workflows
- Physical size in Blender
- Substance 3D Assets Library
- Troubleshooting
- Uninstalling the Add-on
- Substance 3D Add-on for Blender Tutorials
- Creative Cloud Applications
- Partnerships
Maverick is a standalone application focused on product visualization that allows designers, engineers, and marketing specialists to bring their projects to life with truly unprecedented speed, quality, and ease of use.
Maverick Render is fully GPU-based, unbiased and physically-correct.
Maverick has developed "one-click" workflows to easily import models from Substance Painter and materials from Substance Designer, so that they can be easily illuminated and rendered in photo-realistic quality.
With the integration of SBSAR in Maverick, our customers will now have access to high quality materials that will be of great help in the industries in which most of them operate, such as jewelry, industrial design, car and visualization.