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Sharpen | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Adjustments


The Sharpen filter allows you to sharpen the details in a specified channel.

Note: While the Sharpen filter is great for quickly adding detail, it can be easy to overuse the Sharpen filter and make a channel appear noisy, drowning out detail. Try to find a good balance.



Use presets to quickly change parameters to see different styles of parquet floor.

Basic parameters

  • Channel Selection:
    Select the channel to apply the sharpen to.
  • Sharpen: 0-3
    Adjust the intensity of the sharpen effect.


  • Use Custom Mask: toggle
    Enable or disable the use of a custom mask. If enabled the following parameters appear:
    • Mask: image/brush
      Select an image to use as a mask or use the brush to paint a custom mask directly in the 2D view
    • Custom Mask - Blur: 0-1
      Blur the mask
    • Custom Mask - Invert: toggle
      Invert the mask

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