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Scratch | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Wear and Finish


Add scratches and wear to your material.

Before and after applying the Scratch filter.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed:
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.
  • Scratch: toggle
    Enable or disable scratches. If enabled the Scratch section appears.
  • Chip: toggle
    Add a chipped effect to the surface. If enabled the Chip section appears.
  • Micro-scratch: toggle
    Add micro-scratches to the surface. If enabled the Micro-scratch section appears.


Basic parameters > Scratch needs to be enabled for this section to appear.

  • Amount: 0-1
    Control the number of scratches that appear.
  • Intensity: 0-1
    Adjust the depth and strength of the scratches.
  • Scale: 1-4
    Change the size of the scratches. Increase this slider decreases the scratch size.


Basic parameters > Scratch needs to be enabled for this section to appear.

  • Amount: 0-1
    Control the number of chips that appear.
  • Intensity: 0-1
    Adjust the depth and strength of the chips.
  • Scale: 1-4
    Change the size of the chips. Increase this slider decreases the chip size.


  • Amount: 0-1
    Control the number of micro-scratches that appear.
  • Intensity: 0-1
    Adjust the depth and strength of the micro-scratches.
  • Rotation: 0-1
    Rotate the micro-scratches.
  • Rotation Random: 0-1
    Vary the rotation of the micro-scratches randomly.
  • Scale: 0-2
    Adjust the size of the micro-scratches. Increase this slider to increase micro-scratch size.
  • Scale Random: 0-1
    Vary the scale of the micro-scratches randomly.
  • Width: 0-1
    Control the width of the scratches
  • Width Random: 0-1
    Vary the width of the micro-scratches randomly.
  • Distortion: 0-1
    Add distortion to the scratches to break up uniformity.
  • Distortion Random: 0-1
    Control the randomness of the distortion effect.
  • Distortion Frequency: 0-1
    Control the frequency scale of the distortion effect.


  • Custom Mask: toggle
    Enable or disable the use of a custom mask. If enabled the following parameters appear:
    • Mask: image/brush
      Select an image to use as a mask or use the brush to paint a custom mask directly in the 2D view.
    • Custom Mask - Blur: 0-1
      Blur the mask.
    • Custom Mask - Invert: toggle
      Invert the mask.

Advanced Parameters

  • Overall Opacity: 0-1
    Adjust the opacity of the Scratch filter effect.
  • Base Color: toggle
    Set whether the base color channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Base Color - Color: color select
      Select the base color of the scratches and chips.
  • Metallic: toggle
    Set whether the metallic channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Metallic Value: 0-1
      Adjust metallic value of the scratched areas.
  • Roughness: toggle
    Set whether the roughness channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Roughness - Value: 0-1
      Adjust the roughness value of the scratched areas.
  • Normal: toggle
    Set whether the normal channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, additional controls appears:
    • Normal - Intensity: -1 to 1
      Adjust the intensity of the normals.
    • Normal - Flatten:
      Decrease this value to flatten the normals.
  • Height: toggle
    Set whether the height channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Height - Intensity: 0-1
      Adjust the contrast of the height map.
  • Emissive: toggle
    Set whether the emissive channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Emissive - Color: color select
      Set the color of the emissive channel.
  • Specular Level: toggle
    Control whether the specular level channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Specular Level - Value: 0-1
      Adjust the value for the specular channel.
  • Ambient Occlusion: toggle
    Set whether the ambient occlusion channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, the following additional controls appear:
    • Ambient Occlusion - Intensity: 0-1
      Adjust the strength of the generated AO.
    • Ambient Occlusion - Radius: 0-1
      Adjust the radius of the AO effect.
  • Opacity: toggle
    Set whether the opacity channel is affected by the filter. If enabled, an additional control appears:
    • Opacity - Value: 0-1
      Change the opacity of the material.

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