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Perforate | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Generators


Use the Perforate filter to add holes to your material.

Before and after applying the Perforate filter.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed:
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.
  • Pattern Selection:
    Select the shape of the holes or choose Custom Pattern to create your own.
  • Perforation Position:
    Select whether the normals and height recede into your material or stand out from the material
  • Perforation Chamfer Size: 0-1
    Change the size of the chamfer on the edges of holes
  • Hole Size: 0-1
    Change the size of the holes
  • Use Mask: toggle
    Enables the Mask section which you can use to mask out the perforation with a brush or image.
  • Use Scale Map: toggle
    Enables the use of a scale map. When enabled the following parameters will appear:
    • Scale Map Multiplier: 0-1
      Adjust how much of an impact the scale map has on the scale of the perforation
    • Invert Scale Map: toggle
      Invert the values of the scale map
    • Custom Scale Map: image/brush
      Import an image to use as a scale map or use the brush to paint a scale map directly in the 2D view


This section is only visible if Basic parameters > Use Mask is enabled

  • Invert Mask:
  • Mask Blur: 0-1
    Adjust the blur applied to the mask
  • Mask Threshold: 0-1
    Modify the threshold of the mask. Use the Mask Blur and Mask Threshold values together to fine tune the edges of your mask.
  • Custom Mask: image/brush
    Import an image to use as a mask or paint your own mask directly in the 2D view


  • Perforation Size: 0-1
    Change the size of each perforation - this includes the hole and the chamfer.
  • Perforation Y Amount: 1-64
    Adjust the number of perforations on the Y axis
  • Perforation X Amount: 1-64
    Adjust the number of perforations on the X axis
  • Perforation Density: 0-1
    Randomly mask perforations
  • Perforation Offset: 0-1
    Adjust the offset of every second row of perforations
  • Perforation Color Opacity: 0-1
    Adjust the transparency of the color of the chamfered area of perforations
  • Perforation Color: color select
    Select the color of the chamfered area of each perforation
  • Perforation Roughness: 0-1
    Modify the roughness value of perforations
  • Perforation Metallic: 0-1
    Modify the metallic value of perforations

Advanced parameters

  • Luminosity: 0-1
  • Contrast: -1 to 1
  • Hue Shift: 0-1
  • Saturation: 0-1
  • Normal Intensity: -1 to 1
    Adjust the strength of each perforations normals
  • Height Intensity: 0-1
    Adjust the strength of each perforations height map

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