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Line Light | Substance 3D Sampler

Line Light

In: HDRI Tools


Add a Line Light to your environment light.

The images below show how you can use a Line Light to adjust the lighting of your environment.

The image above shows a sphere with no modifications to the environment light.

After adding a Line Light the sphere's appearance has noticeably changed.


Basic parameters

  • Exposure (EV): 0-10
    Adjust the exposure or brightness of the light.
  • Shape Color Mode:
    Select which method to use to determine the light's color. Available parameters will change based on this selection.
    • Temperature (Kelvin)
      • Temperature: 1000 - 27000
        Adjust the temperature of the light.
    • RGB
      • Color: color select
        Select the color of the light.
    • Image Input
      • Shape Image Input: image/brush
        Import an image to use as the color. You can use the brush tool to paint directly in the 2D view, but this can have unpredictable results with this filter.
    • Sample Background
      • Sample background doesn't make new parameters available - instead it bases the light color on background values.
  • Position Mode:
    Change the method used to determine the lights position. Parameters in the Position Coordinates section will change based on selection. With World Position selected, the handles will disappear from the 2D view, instead use the parameters in Position Coordinates to modify the light's position.


  • Line Rotation: 0-1
    Rotate the light
  • Line Thickness: 0-1
    Adjust the thickness of the line that forms the light.
  • Pattern:
    Change the shape of the line
  • Pattern Hardness: 0-1
    Soften the edges of the light
  • Pattern UV Mode:
    Modify how the pattern on which the light is based. Stretch stretches the whole shape to match the line endpoints. Stretch Middle only stretches the middle of the shape keeping the ends of the line undistorted. Repeat + Spacing creates stamps of the shape along the lines length and adds an additional parameter to manage spacing:
    • Pattern Repeat Spacing: 0-1
      Adjust the width of the spacing between shape instances

Position Coordinates

Available parameters depend on the selection made for Basic parameters > Position Mode. If Ground/Ceiling or Distance from Origin are selected, the following parameters are available:

  • Line Absolute Height: 0-1
    Change how far the light is from the camera.
  • Camera Position: 0-1
    Adjust the relative position of the camera to the light in the X, Y, and Z axes.

If World Position is chosen in Basic parameters > Position Mode the following parameters are available:

  • Up Vector:
    Change which direction is up.
  • Point 1 World Position: -2 to 2
    Adjust the position of the first point of the line in the X, Y, and Z axes.
  • Point 2 World Position: -2 to 2
    Adjust the position of the second point of the line in the X, Y, and Z axes.
  • Camera Position: 0-1
    Adjust the relative position of the camera to the light in the X, Y, and Z axes.


  • Show Ground Grid: toggle
    Display or hide the ground grid.
  • Enable Ground Clipping: toggle
    Select whether the light can clip through the ground or not. If enabled, the following control will appear:
    • Ground Height: -2 to 2
      Adjust the height of the ground for the purposes of clipping the light.
  • Background Gamma:
    Select the color system used to determine background Gamma.

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