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Water | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Wear and Finish


Use the Erode filter to wear away at high spots on your material.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed:
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.
  • Water Level: 0-1
    Adjust the height of the water.
  • Water Darkness: 0-1
    Make the water lighter or darker.
  • Edges Wetness: 0-1
    Adjust how far above the water line the material appears wet.
  • Enable Dirt on Water: toggle
    Add dirt to the top of the water by modifying the roughness map slightly. The Dirt section only appears if this parameter is enabled.
  • Custom Mask: toggle
    When enabled the following additional control appears:
    • Mask: image/brush
      Select an image to use as a custom mask or use the brush to paint a mask directly in the 2D view.


This section only appears if Basic parameters > Enable Dirt on Water is enabled

  • Dirt Quantity: 0-1
    Adjust the amount of dirt floating on the waters surface.
  • Distortion Intensity: 0-1
    Control the amount of distortion of the surface dirt based on the intersection between the water and the rest of the material.
  • Dirt Border Intensity: 0-1
    Manage the strength of the surface dirt near borders of the dirt mask.
  • Dirt Border Distance: 0-1
    Control the distance of the dirt border from the intersection between the wet and dry areas of the material.
  • Border Precision: 0-1
    Adjust the precision of the dirt border.
  • Border warp: 0-1
    Warp the border to break up the uniformity of the dirt surface.

Advanced Parameters

  • Edges Wetness Distance: 0-1
    Control how far into dry areas the edge wetness extends.
  • Depth Blur Amount: 0-1
    Adjust how much the base color is blurred for areas that are underwater.
  • Depth Blur Opacity: 0-1
    Adjust how transparent the water appears.
  • Sludge Color: color select
    Change the color of the dirt that sits on top of the water's surface.
  • Sludge opacity: 0-1
    Adjust the transparency of the sludge.

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