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Snow | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Wear and Finish


Use the Snow filter to add anything from a dusting to a few feet of snow to your material.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed:
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.
  • Fresh Snow: 0-1
    Change the amount of snow.
  • Melted Snow: 0-1
    Control the amount of melted snow. This parameter is highly sensitive.
  • Buildup: 0-1
    Adjust how much the snow has built up over time. This obscures underlying height details.
  • Smoothness: 0-1
    Control how smooth the snow appears. This obscures underlying height details when increased, and can make snow appear softer and deeper.
  • Flakes Intensity: 0-1
    Adjust how visible individual flakes of snow are.
  • Use Custom Mask: toggle
    Enable or disable the use of a custom mask. If enabled the following parameters appear:
    • Custom Mask: image/brush
      Select an image to use as a mask or use the brush to paint a custom mask directly in the 2D view.
    • Mask Blur: 0-1
      Blur the mask.
    • Mask Intensity: 0-1
      Adjust the opacity of the mask.

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