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Splatter | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Generators


Splatter instances of other materials across your material.


For atlas materials, use the Atlas Scatter filter instead.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed:
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.
  • Material Input:
    Select the number of materials to use as inputs. Note: a Splatter layer with 3 input slots but only one slot filled with an input, will appear differently to a Splatter layer with 1 input slot and that slot filled with the same input. For this reason it is recommended to only use as many inputs as are needed.
  • Grid Size: 1-64
    The grid size determines the number of instances created by the Splatter filter.
  • AO Height Depth: 0-1
    Adjust the strength of the AO for instances created by the filter.


  • Scale: 0-5
    Adjust the base size of all instances
  • Scale Random: 0-1
    Adjust the randomness of the scale value for each instance
  • Scale No Overlap: 0-1
    Modify the size of instances to avoid overlap
  • Position Random: 0-2
    Control the randomness of the scattering of instances
  • Rotation Random: 0-1
    Control the randomness of the rotation of instances
  • Rotation from Background Slope: 0-1
    Modify how much of an impact the normals of the underlying material has on the rotation of instances.

Base Color

  • Albedo Matching: 0-1
    Match the color of instances to the color of the underlying material
  • HSL Adjustment: 0-1
    Adjust the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness of instances
  • HSL Random: 0-1
    Control the randomness of the Hue, Sautration, and Lightness of each instance


  • Normal from Background: 0-1
    Adjust how much the normal of the material under each instance impacts the normal of the instance.
  • Normal Angle Random: 0-1
    Slant the normals of each instance at a random angle.


  • Roughness Adjustment: -1 to 1
    Add or subtract from the roughness value uniformly across instances
  • Roughness Random: -1 to 1
    Add or subtract randomly from the roughness value of each instance
  • Roughness From Background: 0-1
    Adjust how much the roughness value of the underlying material impacts the roughness value of each instance


  • Height Offset: -1 to 1
    Offset the height of instances. This can impact how instances blend with the underlying material.
  • Height Offset Random: 0-1
    Add a random value to the height offset of each instance
  • Height Scale: 0-2
    Adjust the height of all instances.
  • Height Scale Random: 0-1
    Add a random value to the height of each instance
  • Skew from Bg Slope: 0-1
    Add a slope to each instance to match the slope of the underlying material
  • Background Slope Smoothness: 0-2
    Adjust the slope of the background for the purposes of the Skew from Bg Slope parameter
  • Conform to Background: 0-1
    Control how much the background height map impacts the instances height map. This lets you shrink-wrap instances around the background details
  • Smooth Conformed Background: 0-1
    Adjust how much detail is visible due to Conform to Background


  • Metallic Adjustment: -1 to 1
    Control the metallic values of instances
  • Metallic Random: -1 to 1
    Add or subtract random values from the metallic of each instance
  • Metallic from Background: 0-1
    Adjust how much impact the background metallic values have on each instance


  • Use Custom Mask: toggle
    Enable this to use a custom mask and access the custom mask controls:
    • Custom Mask: image/brush
      Import an image to use as a custom mask or paint directly in the 2D view
    • Custom Mask Blur: 0-1
      Blur the edges of the custom mask
    • Custom Mask Invert: toggle
    • Custom Mask Opacity: 0-1
      Adjust the strength of the custom mask

Usage Guide

The Splatter filter is a useful way to scatter assets across your material such as leaves, stones, or trash.

To use the Splatter filter:

  1. Add the Splatter filter to your layer stack
  2. Under the Splatter layer, Input slots will appear
  3. Optionally change the number of input slots available with Basic parameters > Material Input
  4. Drag materials into the Splatter input slots

You can adjust the scatter parameters in the Properties panel by selecting the Splatter layer.

You can adjust the parameters of the input materials in the Properties panel by selecting the material in the input slot.

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