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Panels | Substance 3D Sampler


Each panel in Sampler is dedicated to a specific purpose. By default, only the following four panels are open:

  • Project panel: Allows you to manage assets in the currently opened project.
  • Assets panel: Holds starter content and other asset libraries that you can use in the creation of your assets.
  • Layers panel: Displays the layer stack of the selected asset.
  • Properties panel: Shows properties and parameters for the currently selected layer - the Layers and Properties panels are used together

These panels are most regularly used in the process of creating assets.

The remaining panels are closed by default, and hold options and controls that generally don't require regular changes. You can access these panels from the left and right sidebars.

The following panels are stored at the bottom of the left sidebar by default:

  • Generative (BETA) panel: Use text prompts to create textures or patterns with AI.
  • Shader Settings panel: Allows you to modify shader parameters that can help improve performance or appearance of some materials.
  • Channel Settings panel: Manage channels for your material.

The following panels are stored at the top of the right sidebar by default:

  • Exposed Parameters panel: Allow you to manage the parameters that will be available when your asset is exported as SBSAR or SBS files.
  • Physical Size panel: Configure the real-life physical size of your scanned samples and images.
  • Metadata panel: Edit metadata by adding a description or changing the author name for the selected asset.
  • Export panel: Send your asset directly to other applications or export it for general use.

You can customize the workspace by moving panels - see the interface page to find out how.

To return to the default workspace layout at any point use Window > Reset to default layout.

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