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Dirt | Substance 3D Sampler


In: Wear and Finish


Use the Dirt filter to add dirt on top of a material. The Dirt filter is great for making materials seem older and uncared for.

Compare the clean tiles above with the dirt filter applied to them below.


Basic parameters

  • Random Seed
    The random seed determines the random values of other parameters that use randomness in this filter.

  • Dirt Spread: 0-1 
    Controls the extent of the surface area covered by dirt

  • Top Dirt Spread: 0-1
    Controls the top surface covered by dirt, with no focus on the creases of the material

  • Dirt Contrast: 0-1 
    Adjust the level of contrast between the different dirt specks in order to control how the dirt blends with the underlying material.

  • Dirt Opacity: 0-1 
    Controls the level of transparency of the dirt in the base color channel. 1 is completely opaque.

  • Dirt Color: 0-1 
    Select the color of the dirt.

  • Dirt Roughness: 0-1 
    Adjust how light scatters across the surface of the material

  • Dirt Metallic: 0-1 
    Define how reflective the surface of the dirt is

  • Dirt Height: 0-1 
    Controls the impact of the dirt on the Height map

  • Dirt Normal Intensity: 0-1 
    Controls how much the level of dirt impacts the Normal map

  • Use Surface Imperfections: toggle 
    Enable or disable the use of a surface imperfection. If enabled, an additional control appears:

    Surface Imperfections: image 
    Import an image to use as a surface imperfection or use one of the texture generators available by default in the Sampler asset library such as “Stain” or the “Bnw Spots”

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