Sunrise is intended to be used by teams, and collaboration tools are built in. The most important collaborative tool in Sunrise is the Asset viewer’s Comments panel. It’s important that issues with assets are caught early on, so that assets that do not pass visual and performance inspection don't make it into projects. The Comments panel helps in this process, by making it easy to communicate issues.
Share assets
There are a few ways to share assets with team members:
- In the comments for an asset, you can @ team members to include them in the conversation.
- While in the Asset viewer, copy the URL and send it to a team member.
- Use the Share button in the Asset viewer to invite team members or external users to view and review assets.
While the first two methods above allow you to share assets with your team, the Share button lets you share assets with individuals outside your org. The Share button brings up a dialog that allows you to search for people in your organization, or invite people by email address directly.
You can also add email groups in this dialog to share with multiple people within your org. Email groups need to be set up as mail-enabled AAD (Azure Active Directory) groups.
Once you’ve selected someone to invite, you’ll be able to add more users or add a message before sending the invite. You can also enter an email address for someone outside your org to invite them to view an asset.
As a less formal option, you can also send the URL from your browser while in the Asset viewer to others in your organization.
Access the Comments panel
To open the Comments panel for an asset:
- Navigate to the Asset library.
- Open an asset in the Asset viewer by clicking the asset thumbnail.
- On the right side of the asset viewer, use the speech bubble button to open the Comments panel.
View comments
Comments are organized based on the media item they’re attached to, so if a user was viewing the 3D view when they submitted their comment, their comment will appear under the “Web” heading in the comment list. You can scroll through the comment list to view comments on other media types than the one you are currently viewing.
Each 2D image is treated as an individual media item. While in the 2D view, new comments will appear under the name of the currently focused image. For example, leave a comment while looking at the Front view image, and it will appear under the “Front” heading.
Leave a comment
To leave a comment, enter your comment and select submit. You can reply to existing comments with the Reply button.
Pins and drawing
While reviewing 2D media, the comment system has additional options. You can draw on images, or pin comments to a point in an image.
When leaving a new comment, use the Pin or Pencil buttons to draw on images or drop a pin. Pins and drawings are linked to the comment they were created with. If you hover over a drawing or pin on an image, the corresponding comment will be highlighted. Similarly when you hover over a comment with a pin or drawing, the corresponding pin or drawing will be highlighted.
If an image has too many pins or drawings, you can use the “Hide annotations” button at the bottom right of the comment panel.
Resolve comments
Top level comments are often used to describe issues with a piece of media. It can be useful to resolve a comment once the asset has been updated and the issue is no longer relevant. To do so use the “Resolve” button on any comment.
Resolved comments won’t appear in the comments list, but if you need to see resolved comments, use the filter button at the bottom right of the comments panel, and turn on Status > Resolved.