The Asset viewer
The Asset viewer allows you to view generated media for each asset, and manage individual assets.
To open the Asset viewer for an asset, navigate to the Asset library with the options at the top of the Left bar, then open an asset.
The Asset viewer does not open by default when you upload a new asset. However the new asset will appear first in the Asset library. After the asset has completed upload and has a status of processing, you can click the asset to open the Asset viewer.
Asset viewer layout
The Asset viewer is separated into the following areas:
- The Top bar (red)
- The Viewport (blue)
- The Info pane (green)
The Top bar
The Top bar is standard across Sunrise, but when the Asset viewer is open, some additional options appear.
On the left side of the Top bar, a back arrow appears to return to either the Asset library or the Project viewer, depending on where you opened the asset from.
The right side of the Top bar has a few new options:
- Use the menu dropdown to download the current asset or upload a new version of the current asset.
- Assets that are Reviewable or Approved will display the asset status here.
- If the asset is Reviewable, open the status dropdown to approve the asset.
- Use the share button to open the Share dialogue.
- The question mark and profile image functionality remains the same as usual.
The share dialogue
The share dialogue allows you to share an asset for review. Add the names of individuals inside your organization, or invite external users by entering their email address.
The Viewport
The viewport is where you can view media that has been generated for an asset. The viewport can display 2D images, the 3D viewer, or a QR code for AR experiences. You can switch between the media type being displayed with the options at the bottom of the Viewport.
To navigate the 3D viewer:
- Left click and drag inside the 3D viewer to rotate the camera around the asset.
- Right click and drag to pan the camera up, down, left, and right.
- Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the camera in or out.
The info pane
The Info pane shows information about the currently selected asset. The right side of the info pane has options to change which information set you are viewing.
- Current status.
- General asset information.
- Comments.
Media status
The Media status info shows details about the various media generated by Sunrise for the asset. For the asset below, all checks have passed, so everything looks good.
The green checkmark means that Sunrise is able to generate customer-facing media for all 3 output types: 2D, 3D, and AR.
Some additional information is available for the asset in the image below. Although the checks passed, there is a warning that performance issues are possible for this asset.
Assets with an Error or Failed status have more information about what’s causing errors available in this panel.
General asset information
The General asset information holds a substantial amount of information regarding the currently selected asset.
Set or edit the product ID for the asset. This allows you to draw a connection between assets in Sunrise and products in your sales management and inventory systems.
The Physical sizes displayed in this panel are based on the geometry information from the imported file. If you find that the dimensions here are incorrect, you may need to re-export the file from your software of choice with a different unit scale.
Metadata including the date uploaded and the uploader is visible.
You can also update the tags for this asset. Use the + button to add a new tag. Once a tag has been created, use the x to remove it from the asset. Currently tags aren't used elsewhere in Sunrise, but functionality to search and filter by tag is planned for the future.
For artists or the more technically inclined, information here may help in diagnosing issues, or finding ways to further optimize the model.
If a Sunrise optimized file has been created for the asset, information about it is displayed here. The Sunrise optimized file will often have a lower file size and polygon count, as well as use fewer materials and textures to improve performance of web and AR experiences.
Open the Comments to review the asset or participate in existing discussion about the asset.
To add a comment, type what you need to say in the text field and hit submit. The comment will be posted for others in your organization to view and respond to, as long as they have access to the asset. Comments support emoji, and use of the @ symbol to notify members of your organization.
You can pin comments to specific media (currently only supported in 2D view), or draw directly on the media (currently only supported in 2D view). Click the pin or pencil, and then either click or draw on the highlighted areas to create a comment that’s linked directly to an image.
Comments that are pinned to media have a pin button that you can click to view the pin location.
Note that each piece of media has it’s own comment section. In the screenshot above, the comments are refering to the “front” image generated for this asset, whereas the screenshot at the top of this section has a comment from the 3D viewer and thus appears in the “web” section. You can scroll up and down the comment panel to see comments in different sections even if you aren’t actively viewing the connected media.
Use the dropdown menu at the top right of a comment to edit or delete the comment.
For comments that require changes or updates to the asset, you can use the Resolve button to mark the comment as resolved.
The bottom of the comments view has some additional options:
The cloud symbol shows your connection status – hover over it to see more information.
For media with multiple pins that may detract from the viewing experience, use the Hide annotations button to see the original media without writing or pins.
Lastly, you can filter comments with the filter button. Filtering options are shown in the screenshot above.