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Browzwear | Project Sunrise

This page outlines recommended settings for exporting assets from Browzwear for import into Project Sunrise. In general, Project Sunrise provides best results when models have lower polycounts, fewer textures, and objects. The settings below help to optimize for these factors.


Uncheck Include Avatar. Excluding the Avatar results in a smaller file size with fewer textures and a lower polycount.


 Leave Garment Outside checked Geometry. Avoid enabling Garment Inside or Garment Thickness unless needed to avoid visualization issues, as these settings increase polycount.


Change Scale to x0.01. This will import the assets at human scale in Project Sunrise. Selecting a value of 0.1x or 1x will result in the physical size of the model being much larger than expected for a human.

image showing scale differences


Changing the texture File Format to JPEG can help to reduce file sizes, improving upload speeds.

image of the browzwear texture options

We recommend using a DPI of 150 instead of the default 72. A higher DPI value will increase texture quality, although it will also increase file sizes.



Under the UV section, select Single UV Layout Per Piece, and select Keep Proportions (0-1)

Using Single UV Layout For All Pieces can result in noticeable seams. 

Browzwear UV settings
Click to zoom

gltf Settings

Under glTF Settings:

  1. Set Alpha Mode to Opaque. Only use Mask if necessary.
  2. Set PBR Model to Metallic/Roughness. Use Specular/Glossiness only if necessary.
  3. Leave Texture compression unchecked.


Some viewers do not support KTX compression which can cause textures to display incorrectly when uploaded to Project Sunrise. 


Avoid setting Alpha Mode to Blend as this can cause Alpha sorting issues in some viewers. A fix is planned for this issue, but the original asset may still encounter issues in certain viewers.

Large files

If the file size exported from Browzwear is very large, export it as a glTF with the current settings. Then import the glTF file into Substance 3D Stager, and export it as a GLB. This process can reduce file sizes by up to 30%.

Validate files before upload

Validating files before upload can help to identify issues early on, helping to determine whether issues originate from the exporter or Sunrise optimization. Use the following validators based on your chosen file format:

  • For GLB files, use Babylon.
  • For USDZ files, use Xcode.
  • For FBX files, use FBX Review.

Browzwear does not create embedded FBX files. To convert a Browzwear FBX into a file usable with Project Sunrise:

  1. Import the file into Substance 3D Stager and export as a GLB.
  2. Use your preferred application (such as Autodesk Maya, Blender or Cinema 4D), to convert the file into an embedded FBX.

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