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Project Sunrise | Cinema 4D

Export FBX, USDz, or GLB from Maxon Cinema 4D

Maxon Cinema 4D supports export to a wide variety of formats.

To export files with Cinema 4D:

  1. Select the object to export.

  2. Select Mode from the Attribute window, then select Project info.

  3. Inside the Attribute window, select the Textures tab.

  4. In the Textures tab, select Mark Missing Textures to view any missing assigned textures.

    Missing textures window

  5. All correctly assigned textures appear with green check marks. Missing and unassigned textures appear with a red X.

    To correct missing and unassigned textures, select the texture and update the file path.

  6. Once textures are ready, use File > Export and select a Sunrise supported format.

Export USDz

To export USDz:

  • Set the File Format to Binary (*.usdc) and check the Zipped (*.usdz) checkbox.

Make other changes as necessary and click OK to export the mesh.

USD export window

Export GLB

To export GLB:

  • Set the File Format to GLB (Binary).

Make other changes as necessary and click OK to export the mesh.

GLB export window

Export FBX

To export FBX check the following settings before exporting:

  • Set Up Axis to Z Axis.
  • Select a supported FBX Version.
  • Under the Material dropdown, ensure Embed Textures is checked.

Make other changes as necessary and click OK to export the mesh.

FBX export window

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