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Project Sunrise | Download and publish 3D Content

Project Sunrise generates a 3D web viewer for every asset in a project. To share this viewer with customers, you will need access to modify JavaScript and HTML content on your chosen website.

To add a Sunrise 3D viewer to a website:


All files that need to be uploaded to your website, except the Sunrise viewer JavaScript, are included in the ZIP file for your project.

  1. Download a copy of the Sunrise viewer JavaScript from

  2. Upload the Sunrise viewer JavaScript file to your website.

  3. Upload the Sunrise optimized model and configuration to your website. These files will be named <your-model-name>-web.glb and <your-model-name>-config.json.

  4. If your model includes hotspots, upload the hotspots file to your website. The hotspots file is called <your-model-name>-hotspots.json.

  5. Upload the IBL light source. This file can have different names but will be the only file with an HDR extension in your project.

  6. On the page that you want to embed the 3D viewer, add the following HTML:

    data-hotspot-url="/path/to/your/hotspots.json" // optional
    <div class="sunrise-viewer" data-model-url="/path/to/your/model.glb" data-config-url="/path/to/your/config.json" data-ibl-url="/path/to/your/IBL.hdr" data-hotspot-url="/path/to/your/hotspots.json" // optional > </div>
    data-hotspot-url="/path/to/your/hotspots.json" // optional 
  7. Import the Sunrise viewer JavaScript once per page:

    <script src="Path/to/viewer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Path/to/viewer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Path/to/viewer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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