The Top and Left bars
There are two elements of the Sunrise interface that are consistent no matter where you are in Sunrise, the Top bar, and the Left bar.
The Top bar
The Top bar holds two functions:
- Your user profile. Click your icon for the following options:
- Change Sunrise’s theme between light and dark.
- View legal notices
- Sign out of Sunrise and your account.
- Use the question mark icon to create a ticket in Jira
- This is a feature while Sunrise is in development. You will need to login to Jira to be able to create a ticket.
Additional options can appear in the Top bar depending on your context within Sunrise. These additional options are each covered in their respective Interface sections such as the Asset viewer and Project viewer.
The Left bar
The Left bar is your primary means of navigating Sunrise, as well as creating new assets and projects. Below we’ll cover the functionality available in the Left bar.
Upload assets
Use this button to create new assets in Sunrise. Clicking upload assets will open the Asset upload dialogue which holds more information about supported file formats.
Asset library
By default, when you login to Sunrise, you will be taken to the Asset library. This is simply an unfiltered view of all the assets in your organization. You can click “All assets” in the left bar at any time to return to this view.
The buttons directly under All assets allow you to filter the Asset library on broad criteria. Filter by the asset status, either In progress or Approved, or limit the list of assets to those that you created.
New project
The New project button opens a dialogue that allows you to customize and add assets to a project.
Once your project has been created, it appears in the list of projects in the Left bar.
This scrollable space holds all of the projects in your organization. Use the filter to limit displayed projects by their status or only show projects that you created.
Click a project to open and edit it.
Hover your cursor over a project to access an additional menu. Opening this menu will provide you with additional options to rename or delete the project. Currently, this is the only way to rename a project.
The Left bar is not visible in certain contexts such as when the Asset viewer is open. When this happens, you can use the left arrow in the Top bar to return to the Asset library or Project viewer.