Troubleshoot asset failures
Assets have an Failed status when something has gone wrong.

Errors can occur for a wide variety of reasons, and often require modifications to the originally uploaded file.
Upload failure
Upload failures can happen for many reasons. Upload failures still create an asset in the Asset library, but will not generate thumbnails and show a Failed status.
Upload failures happen most frequently with more complex models with multiple materials. To help avoid upload failures, we recommend following some best practices laid out in the mesh preparation guide.
If you open an asset and see the above error message, it's likely that the model failed to upload correctly.
Asset check failure
Assets with a status of Asset check failure cannot be used in Sunrise. When you try to open an asset with this status, you have the option to remove the asset, as Sunrise is unable to process the asset for some reason. To fix an asset check failure, we recommend that you first try reuploading the asset, in case something went wrong during the upload process. If that is not successful, you may need to optimize your mesh before attempting to upload again.
If there are no issues with the mesh, and you're still encountering this issue, please contact support.
Health check failure
Sunrise performs a "health check" on uploaded assets to ensure that they're ready for use. This health check ensures that the uploaded model can be optimized sufficiently to be in a usable state on most devices.
Failing a health check does not result in a Failed state on assets, they're still reviewable and can be approved. However, assets that fail health check are likely to be too complex for most devices. It's strongly recommended to simplify these meshes and reupload them as a new version, rather than publishing inefficient assets.
To see if an asset has failed it's health checks, open the assets status tab. It's possible for an asset to fail one or two health checks while passing the others, so depending on your use case for the specific asset, you may be able to ignore a failed health check without impacting published content.
For example, if you're only looking for 2D images to be generated with a given asset, there could be warnings for issues like high polycount or file size that are only relevant to 3D and AR uses of the asset. These warnings won't impact 2D renders, so you can safely ignore them.
For any failed health check, click the chevron to expand and see what caused the failure.
Textures move in 3D viewer
Meshes exported from Version 2.1 or earlier of Substance 3D Stager can have rendering issues in the 3D viewer. If textures move across the surface of the asset while panning the 3D viewer camera, you may need to reexport the mesh from an updated version of Stager.
You can also fix this issue by setting the "Volume thickness scale" to 0.0 before exporting the mesh in older versions of Stager.