The Sunrise asset lifecycle goes through a series of steps, reflected by the asset status:
- Uploading
- Processing
- Reviewable
- Approved
It’s also possible for assets to have a fifth status, “Failed”. This status can occur at any point in an asset’s lifecycle, and opening the asset provides more information on what’s causing the error and how to fix it.
Below we’ll cover the various possible asset statuses.
You can upload one or more assets with the Upload Assets button just under the Sunrise banner.
You can drag and drop files into the dialogue that opens, or use the “Select files” link to open a file explorer and select files directly.
Supported file formats are listed in the dialogue, or you can view a list of supported formats here.
Once the upload starts, the new assets appear in the assets panel, and the status of the asset updates as the asset is uploaded and processed. The readiness of each type of content (2D, 3D, and AR) is updated and visible on the asset card as the asset is processed.
Thumbnails can fail to appear for assets that have errors
Assets that are uploaded need to be processed by Sunrise before it’s possible to start generating media from them.
Sunrise processes assets by doing the following:
- Check that the asset is optimized for high performance AR and 3D.
- Perform automatic optimization for the 3D viewer if necessary.
- Create an AR QR code.
- Create 2D images.
- Create a higher resolution thumbnail for the asset library.
While an asset is in the processing state, it’s possible to open the asset when the low resolution thumbnail has appeared. 2D, 3D, and AR views of the asset will become available as Sunrise completed that part of the processing stage. The status of an asset is also updated in real time - as the 2D, 3D, and AR views become available, the right hand panel updates to show the status of the asset.
Each view mode in the right hand panel has information about the source of the content. In the image above, the Source for both the 3D and AR views is “Project Sunrise-optimized file”. This means that the 3D and AR modes don’t show the originally uploaded asset, instead they show an optimized version of the original asset that improves performance for those view modes.
Generated 2D images use the original file, not the Project Sunrise optimized files, to maximize the quality level of renders.
Once an asset is finished processing, the asset’s status changes to Reviewable.
The Reviewable state means that an asset has been uploaded and processed successfully and is ready to be reviewed. Reviewable assets still need approval before they can be used in projects.
While an asset has a Reviewable status, you can open the asset to review Sunrise’s generated 2D renders, AR, and 3D viewer. If all of the generated content appears good to go, you can use the dropdown on the right side of the top bar to approve the asset.
Assets that have been approved are ready to be used in projects.
Approving an asset currently cannot be undone.
Assets have a Failed status when something has gone wrong. Errors can occur for a wide variety of reasons, and often require modifications to the originally uploaded file.
To find out what’s causing the error, open the asset and use the dropdowns to learn more about potential problems. You can learn more about troubleshooting failed assets here.