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Reclaim assets from a user

Applies to enterprise & teams.

Learn how you can reclaim users' assets when they leave the organization.

If you are using Adobe storage for business, your organization owns the user accounts and their associated content. When a user leaves the organization (or you delete a user's account), you can transfer the assets from user folders to another user using Admin Console.

When you remove a user, the user's folder is moved under the Inactive Users page under Admin Console > Storage. You can transfer the user’s assets to a delegated user. All assets are added to a compressed file archive. The link to download the file is sent to the designated user over email.

  • The asset reclamation is intended for users leaving the organization. It is not recommended to use asset reclamation to transfer user assets if you are switching to a different organization.
  • After an admin initiates asset reclamation, don't remove the admin from the organization until the asset reclamation is completed. Asset reclamation is complete when the removed users show up in the Inactive Users tab in the Admin Console, instead of showing up in the Active Users tab.

To transfer assets from a user who has left your organization to another user, sign in to the Adobe Admin Console.

Reclaim assets while removing a user

Whenever you remove a user, if the affected user has assets stored their Adobe Storage for businesses folders, you're prompted to reclaim the assets.

  1. In the Admin Console, select a user to remove.

    If you select multiple users, and there are users who aren't affected by storage, a screen displays separate lists of affected and unaffected users.

  2. (Does not apply to Education customers)From the list of options, choose one of the following, and then click Next:

    • Transfer content now: Folder content is sent through email to a designated user. If you choose this option, specify the email address of the designated user that receives the content. You can specify the email address of any supported identity type of a user in your organization.
    • Transfer content later: The folder content remains in the Inactive User tab until it is permanently deleted.
    • Permanently delete content: The folder is permanently deleted with no option to retrieve the content.

    If you're removing users using bulk operations, the default option of Transfer content later is automatically followed. The assets of the deleted users are available in the Inactive Users tab under Storage > Individual User Folders.

    Transfer assets

    For Education customers

    If you're an Education customer, you will not see the above options. Which means that, when you delete an account, the student's assets are moved to Inactive Users tab. 

    To transfer the assets to a student who has left the organization, navigate to Storage > Inactive users, transfer the content to yourself or to some other user in the org (because the student is no longer part of the institution). The recipient needs to then download the assets (as zip files), and send the zip files to the student.

  3. In the confirmation screen, click Remove User.

    If you select Transfer content now, the users receive an email with a link to download the compressed archives. Each compressed archive can be up to 5 GB based on the total size of assets stored in the user's folder. Depending on the size of assets, it can take a while for you to receive the email.

    If you select Transfer content later, you can navigate to the Inactive Users tab to reclaim the assets.


    Admins receive an email if the asset reclamation process fails. Depending on the stage, you can do one of the following:

    • If the send email action fails, Share Inactive user's folder to reinitiate the email.
    • If the compressed archive creation fails, add the user again and assign them to a Product Profile that gives them a storage entitlement. Then restart the process.

Reclaim content from Inactive User folders

  1. In the Storage tab, click a user entry in the Inactive Users list. The folder details pane opens.

    Select Inactive User

  2. Click   , and then choose Edit Folder Access.

    Edit image access

  3. Specify the email address of the designated user, and click Add. You can specify the email address of any supported identity type of a user in your organization.

  4. Click Save to complete the process.

    The delegated users receive an email with a link to download the compressed archives. Each compressed archive can be up to 5 GB depending upon the total size of assets stored in the user's folder. Depending on the size of the assets, it can take a while for you to receive the email.

Download shared files

The designated users receive an email with a link to download the compressed archives. There are limitations to the type of assets that can be reclaimed. See Assets that can be reclaimed to know which assets can be part of the archive.  

Depending on the size of the original assets, multiple archives may be created. Each compressed archive can be up to 5 GB. The email is sent when all the archives are created. Therefore, there can be a delay in the designated user receiving the email.

Email message to download file

The compressed archive contains the synced assets that the user had, including files, libraries, and cloud documents.

Assets that can be reclaimed

For Acrobat users, only assets under the Files tab are part of the asset reclamation workflow. Assets under Other Storage or Agreements aren't part of the workflow.

Acrobat files belonging to enterprise users (members of ETLA organs) are also not supported and, therefore, are not included in the compressed archive. See the following table for more details.


For enterprise users that have migrated to Adobe storage for business, Acrobat assets are also included in their cloud storage.

What's included in the archive

What isn't part of the archive

Synced assets of the user, including:

  • Creative Cloud files 
  • Libraries stored in the cloud
  • Cloud documents (Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD documents)
  • Adobe Express files
    (Only applicable to files that are created after 08/16/2023)
  • Published documents
  • Adobe Sign agreements
  • Adobe Express social posts
  • Mobile creations
  • Lightroom files 
  • Behance assets
  • Portfolio assets
  • Deleted assets

To recover the files that are part of the archive, extract them from the archive, and upload to your own Creative Cloud storage folders. For details, see Manage transferred assets.

To recover files that aren't part of the archive, do one of the following depending on the type of file:

  • For published InDesign links, you must republish them from the new account. The user won't be able to access the previously published sources even if they download the source.
  • For Lightroom files, ensure that the user downloads the files and transfers to your account before removing the user from the organization.
  • For any other scenario, contact Adobe Customer Care.

Files that the user marked for deletion in their Creative Cloud storage folders cannot be reclaimed under any circumstances.  

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