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Baking visualization settings | Substance 3D Painter

Baking visualization settings

The Baking visualization is a panel inside the viewport of the application available in Baking mode. It allows to control various settings related to the display of meshes in the viewport.

General settings



Hide baking meshes

If enabled, this icon will hide the high poly and cage mesh in the viewport.

Show for selected Texture Set only

If enabled, only the cage and high-poly meshes of the currently active Texture Set will be visible in the viewport.

High definition mesh (HP)


If enabled, display the high-poly meshes in the 3D view. When disabled, high-poly meshes are also unloaded from the memory and can help improve performance. The color button next to this setting allows to control the object surface color in the viewport.

Matching errorIf enabled, display areas of the high-poly meshes that are outside the shell of the cage mesh in the given color. This setting helps identify areas that will be missed during the baking process and could result is loss of details/information.


Cage surfaceIf enabled, the cage mesh surface will be displayed in the 3D view. The surface of the cage is defined by the color button next to the setting.
Cage surface opacityControls how much of the cage mesh surface is visible in the viewport over the other objects.
Cage wireframeIf enabled, the cage mesh surface will be displayed in the 3D view as wireframe. The wireframe is defined by the color button next to the setting.
Cage wireframe opacityControls how much of the cage wireframe is visible in the viewport over the other objects.

UV seams

Missing seams on hard edges

If enabled, hard edges on the surface of the mesh that are not UV seams will be highlighted with the color defined by the button next to the setting. Highlighted edges are only visible on the cage and low-poly mesh. Edges can be seen in both the 2D and 3D view.

This setting help identify edges that have split vertex normals without a UV unwrapping seam, which could lead to baking issues later on.

Project mesh

SettingSecondary settingDescription
Project mesh
If enabled, the low-poly meshes on which the high-poly meshes are baked on will be visible in the viewports. If Hide baking meshes is enabled, this setting is automatically enabled as well to avoid an empty viewport. The color button next to the setting allows to define the object surface color.
Neutral materialQualityControls the specular reflection quality on the surface of the low-poly mesh. Using a high value will give better fidelity in the reflections and help. A high value can slow-down performance. A low value can introduce seams in the shading with normal maps (note: this is only a display issue).
RoughnessControls the roughness of the low-poly mesh material in the viewports.
MetallicControls the metalness of the low-poly mesh material in the viewports.
AO intensityControls how much the baked Ambient Occlusion contributes to the low-poly mehs shading in the viewports.
Bent normalIf enabled, use baked Bent Normals to improve the low-poly mesh shading in the viewports.
Bent normal diffuse amountControls how much the Bent Normals affect the diffuse shading.
Bent normal specular amountControls how much the Bent Normals affect the specular shading.

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