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Color management with Adobe ACE - ICC | Substance 3D Painter

Color management with Adobe ACE - ICC

This page lists the color management settings related to the Adobe Color Engine (ACE) to use image with ICC profiles.

Project settings

The project settings can be set when creating a new project via the new project window or by using the project configuration window.


If an environment variable (see below) or a preset file is loaded, the settings in the UI will be disabled.

The available settings are:

Section Setting Description
Configuration Color management

Define which engine to use to manage colors.

Possible values:

  • Legacy (default): Use the predefined sRGB/Linear sRGB gamma color correction.
  • OpenColorIO: Use OCIO integration.
  • Adobe ACE: Adobe Color Engine, to support ICC profiles.

Use a preset file If enabled, allow tod rive the color management settings via a json configuration file.

Preset file Path to the preset file, in json format. For more details, see below.

Color settings Working color space

The color space used by the engine to work inside the application. This the color space from which textures may be converted to (import) or from (export).

Possible values are:

  • Linear sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (default)
  • ACEScg ACES Working Space AMPAS S-2014-004
  • Linear Adobe RGB (1998)

Rendering intent

Specify the method used to convert color between color spaces.

Possible values:

  • Perceptual
  • Saturation (default)
  • Relative chromatic
  • Absolute chromatic

Bitmap import color space defaults 8 bit images Color space to use by default when importing 8bit image files.

16 bit images Color space to use by default when importing 16bit image files.

Floating point images Color space to use by default when importing HDR/EXR image files.

Use embedded ICC profiles when available (recommended) If enabled, use the ICC profiles since the image file to adjust their colors.

Substance material Material color space default Define which color space to use for Substance materials color managed input/output.

Export color space 8 bit images Color space to use by default when exporting 8bit image files.

16 bit images Color space to use by default when exporting 16bit image files.

Floating point images Color space to use by default when exporting HDR/EXR image files.

Using a preset file

It  possible to use a preset file (in json format) to drive the ACE settings when creating new projects.

Environment variable

The environment variable PAINTER_ACE_CONFIG can be used to specify the path of a preset file. If present, the application will always use a preset file to drive the Color management settings. The settings will be disabled in the interface.

For more details see the Environment variables page.

Preset example

Below is an example of a json file that can be used a preset file:

"color settings": {
"working color space": "Linear Adobe RGB (1998)",
"rendering intent": "Saturation"
"bitmap import color space defaults" : {
"8 bit images": "image P3",
"16 bit images": "image P3",
"floating point images": "Raw",
"use embedded ICC profiles when available": false
"substance material": {
"material color space default": "image P3"
"export colors spaces" : {
"8 bit images": "image P3",
"16 bit images": "image P3",
"floating point images": "Raw"
{ "color settings": { "working color space": "Linear Adobe RGB (1998)", "rendering intent": "Saturation" }, "bitmap import color space defaults" : { "8 bit images": "image P3", "16 bit images": "image P3", "floating point images": "Raw", "use embedded ICC profiles when available": false }, "substance material": { "material color space default": "image P3" }, "export colors spaces" : { "8 bit images": "image P3", "16 bit images": "image P3", "floating point images": "Raw" } }
  "color settings": { 
    "working color space": "Linear Adobe RGB (1998)", 
    "rendering intent": "Saturation" 
  "bitmap import color space defaults" : { 
    "8 bit images": "image P3", 
    "16 bit images": "image P3", 
    "floating point images": "Raw", 
    "use embedded ICC profiles when available": false 
  "substance material": { 
    "material color space default": "image P3" 
  "export colors spaces" : { 
    "8 bit images": "image P3", 
    "16 bit images": "image P3", 
    "floating point images": "Raw" 

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