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Substance Source plugin doesn't load | Substance 3D Painter

Substance Source plugin doesn't load

The Substance Source plugin which was included with Substance 3D Painter is now deprecated, for technical and maintenance reasons. This page explains how to remove it and suggests alternative solutions.

  • The plugin is not included anymore with Substance 3D Painter since version 2020.1 (6.1.0).
  • The plugin remains installed if it was installed with older versions.
  • The plugin may cease to work since it is not updated anymore.


We recommend:

  • Substance Source , materials can be download from the website:
  • Substance launcher : materials can be send to the application via the dedicated Substance Source tab by using the "Send To" functionality.


We recommend removing the plugin since it is not working anymore:

  1. Go to your Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance 3D Painter/plugin folder.
  2. Select and delete the folder named substance-source .
  3. Restart Substance 3D Painter.

Removing the plugin won't affect the content that was already downloaded into the Shelf.

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