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Adding content on the hard drive | Substance 3D Painter

Adding content on the hard drive

It is possible to add resources to your libraries by placing new content directly on the hard drive at the right location.

A default folder for user assets is provided by default where you can add your new content, either through the application interface or by manually dropping it in the following location. This default library is also used when creating new presets such as brushes, tools, smart materials, etc. For more information, see the Presets documentation.

Where to put assets ?

Below are the locations of the default Your Assets library where your own custom content is created by default:

Windows7.2 or newerC:\Users\username\Documents\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter
LegacyC:\Users\username\Documents\Allegorithmic\Substance Painter
Mac7.2 or newer/Users/username/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Legacy/Users/username/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter
Linux7.2 or newer/home/username/Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Legacy/home/username/Documents/Allegorithmic/Substance Painter

The Starter assets shipped with the application are located within the installation folder and are replaced in each new version. We do not recommend putting personal content in this location, as it will be erased with every update and may even cause read/write permission issues.
It is best to use the Your assets location or another custom location. For more information on how to add a custom library location, see Adding a new library.

File formats and usages

You can import different types of files to your Substance 3D Painter library. Placing them in the designated folders (such as alphas, colorluts, effects...) will assign a type of usage to the asset, so it is important to choose the right folder when adding new content. Note that if you add a custom library location, it will automatically create the appropriate folders at that location.

File formatUsageFolder
SBSARSubstance Materialassets / Materials
SBSARFiltersassets / Effects
SBSARGeneratorsassets / Generators
PNG, TGA, JPEG, etc.Texture or Alphaassets / Textures or Shelf / Alphas
HDR, EXREnvironment or Color Lutassets / Environments or Shelf / Colorlut
GLSLShaderassets / Shaders
SPPR Brush Presetassets / Presets / Brush
SPPR Particle Presetassets / Preset / Particles
SPPR Material Presetassets / Presets / Materials or assets / Materials
SPPRTool presetassets / Preset / Tools
SPSMSmart Materialassets / Smart-materials
SPMSKSmart Maskassets / Smart-masks
SPEXPExport PresetShelf / Export-presets

As of version 7.2.0, custom folders and categories can be used in a library. They will be accessible in the Assets window via Filter by path or Breadcrumbs.


SBS (not SBSAR) files can't be used directly, they need to be exported as SBSAR from Substance 3D Designer.

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