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Toon - Shader API | Substance 3D Painter

Toon - Shader API

Basic toon shader

Import from libraries.

import lib-sampler.glsl
import lib-sampler.glsl
import lib-sampler.glsl

We define the global light position

const vec3 light_pos = vec3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);
const vec3 light_pos = vec3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);
const vec3 light_pos = vec3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);

We bind the auto param world eye position to our uniform camera_pos.

//: param auto world_eye_position
uniform vec3 camera_pos;
//: param auto world_eye_position uniform vec3 camera_pos;
//: param auto world_eye_position 
uniform vec3 camera_pos;

We bind the document's channel base color to our uniform basecolor_tex.

//: param auto channel_basecolor
uniform SamplerSparse basecolor_tex;
//: param auto channel_basecolor uniform SamplerSparse basecolor_tex;
//: param auto channel_basecolor 
uniform SamplerSparse basecolor_tex;

We bind the mesh curvature to our uniform curvature_tex. If no curvature is available, transparent texture is provided.

//: param auto texture_curvature
uniform SamplerSparse curvature_tex;
//: param auto texture_curvature uniform SamplerSparse curvature_tex;
//: param auto texture_curvature 
uniform SamplerSparse curvature_tex;

We define a new custom tweak for this shader, along with its default value. This one is used to tweak the thickness of outline, when shadowed.

//: param custom {
//: "default": 0.4,
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 1.0,
//: "label": "Unlit outline thickness"
//: }
uniform float unlit_outline_thickness;
//: param custom { //: "default": 0.4, //: "min": 0.0, //: "max": 1.0, //: "label": "Unlit outline thickness" //: } uniform float unlit_outline_thickness;
//: param custom { 
//:  "default": 0.4, 
//:   "min": 0.0, 
//:   "max": 1.0, 
//:   "label": "Unlit outline thickness" 
//: } 
uniform float unlit_outline_thickness;

We define a new custom tweak for this shader, along with its default value. This one is used to tweak the thickness of outline, when lit.

//: param custom {
//: "default": 0.1,
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 1.0,
//: "label": "Lit outline thickness"
//: }
uniform float lit_outline_thickness;
//: param custom { //: "default": 0.1, //: "min": 0.0, //: "max": 1.0, //: "label": "Lit outline thickness" //: } uniform float lit_outline_thickness;
//: param custom { 
//:   "default": 0.1, 
//:   "min": 0.0, 
//:   "max": 1.0, 
//:   "label": "Lit outline thickness" 
//: } 
uniform float lit_outline_thickness;

Whether we prefer using the curvature or not.

//: param custom {
//: "default": false,
//: "label": "Use curvature"
//: }
uniform bool use_curvature;
//: param custom { //: "default": false, //: "label": "Use curvature" //: } uniform bool use_curvature;
//: param custom { 
//:   "default": false, 
//:   "label": "Use curvature" 
//: } 
uniform bool use_curvature;

Entry point of the shader.

void shade(V2F inputs)
void shade(V2F inputs) {
void shade(V2F inputs) 

We compute a few useful values.

vec3 V = normalize(camera_pos - inputs.position);
vec3 N = normalize(inputs.normal);
vec3 L = normalize(light_pos - inputs.position);
float NdV = dot(N, V);
float NdL = max(0.0, dot(N, L));
vec3 V = normalize(camera_pos - inputs.position); vec3 N = normalize(inputs.normal); vec3 L = normalize(light_pos - inputs.position); float NdV = dot(N, V); float NdL = max(0.0, dot(N, L));
  vec3 V = normalize(camera_pos - inputs.position); 
  vec3 N = normalize(inputs.normal); 
  vec3 L = normalize(light_pos - inputs.position); 
  float NdV = dot(N, V); 
  float NdL = max(0.0, dot(N, L));

Priority is to performs the outline detection. Allow the user to choose whether he prefers using the curvature map for outline detection or not.

if (use_curvature) {
float curv = textureSparse(curvature_tex, inputs.sparse_coord).r;
NdV = 1.0 - curv;
if (use_curvature) { float curv = textureSparse(curvature_tex, inputs.sparse_coord).r; NdV = 1.0 - curv; }
  if (use_curvature) { 
    float curv = textureSparse(curvature_tex, inputs.sparse_coord).r; 
    NdV = 1.0 - curv; 

If outline condition is reach, exit with black color.

if (NdV < mix(unlit_outline_thickness, lit_outline_thickness, NdL)) {
if (NdV < mix(unlit_outline_thickness, lit_outline_thickness, NdL)) { return; }
  if (NdV < mix(unlit_outline_thickness, lit_outline_thickness, NdL)) { 

Here, we perform a 4 steps discretization of color.

vec3 color = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
if (NdL > 0.75) {
color = color;
} else if (NdL > 0.5) {
color = color * 0.5;
} else if (NdL > 0.1) {
color = color * 0.1;
vec3 color = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord); if (NdL > 0.75) { color = color; } else if (NdL > 0.5) { color = color * 0.5; } else if (NdL > 0.1) { color = color * 0.1; } else
  vec3 color = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord); 
  if (NdL > 0.75) { 
    color = color; 
  } else if (NdL > 0.5) { 
    color = color * 0.5; 
  } else if (NdL > 0.1) { 
    color = color * 0.1; 

Fallback is black.

color = vec3(0.0);
color = vec3(0.0); diffuseShadingOutput(color); }
    color = vec3(0.0); 

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