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Export settings | Substance 3D Painter

Export settings

This page regroups information about the settings section of the export textures window. This section allow to configure the composition, size and location of the textures generated by the application that will be exported.

General and Texture Sets configuration

The first element of the window is the list of Texture Sets on the left. The Global settings section allow to specific common parameters across all Texture Sets. This make it easy to adjust a single set of settings to apply or any Texture Sets. Each Texture Sets can then specify its own set of rules as override. For example setting 2048 as the export resolution in the global settings and 1024 as an override for a specific Texture Set.

The checkbox next to each Texture Set name signifies if the associated textures will be exported or not.

The dropdown menu allow to quickly modify the selection with Check all, Uncheck all, Invert all actions.

General export parameters

This section contains the shared settings for each textures that will be generated:

Output directoryLocation to where the generated texture will be written on the disk.
Output templateExport preset configuration used to name and composite the channels into texture files. For more information on the presets see the Export presets list.
File type

The file format and its bit depth. If the option Based on output template is selected, the file format is inherited form the export preset (which allow a format and bit depth per textures instead of a global one).

The available bit depth depends on the file type, see the table below for more information.


The resolution of the exported texture file. Possible values:

  • Based on each Texture Set's size
  • 128
  • 256
  • 512
  • 1024
  • 2048
  • 4096
  • 8192 (only available with GPUs that have more than 1.5GB of Vram)

How the area outside the UV islands is filled inside the texture. Possible values are:

  • No padding (passthrough): use the current state of the texture as-is.
  • Dilation infinite: stretch UV island borders until they reach neighbor borders or the end of the texture.
  • Dilation + transparent: stretch UV island borders to the given distance in pixels, the rest is transparent.
  • Dilation + default background color: stretch UV island borders to the given distance in pixels, the rest is filled with the default color of the Texture Set's channel.
  • Dilation + default background color: stretch UV island borders to the given distance in pixels, the rest is filled with the default color of the Texture Set's channel.
  • Dilation + diffusion: stretch UV island borders to the given distance in pixels, the rest is filled with a blurry version of the UV island (based on mip-maps).

The psd file format is a container, this means that output maps will be gathered together inside a single file on disk.


Exporting textures in 8 bit can lead to banding in gradients. This is especially noticeable with Normal and Height maps. There are two ways to solve that issue: using higher precision or compensating with dithering.

Higher precision (16 or 32 bit) is ideal, but this may not be compatible with all application. Game engines notably will compress to 8bit in most cases. Dithering introduces a slight noise which mitigates the banding issue while still using 8 bit of information.

Texture file formats

Below is a list of all the file format supported by the application:

Format nameFormat extensionSupported bit-depth
Bitmapbmp8, 8 + dithering
OpenEXRexr16 (floating), 32 (floating)
Graphics Interchange Formatgif8, 8 + dithering
Radiance HDRhdr32 (floating)
Iconico8, 8 + dithering
Jpeg 2000j2k8, 8 + dithering, 16
Jpeg Network Graphics
jng8, 8 + dithering, 16
Jpeg 2000jp28, 8 + dithering, 16
jpeg8, 8 + dithering
JPEG extended rangejpeg-xr8, 8 + dithering, 16, 32 (floating)
Portable Bit Map
pbm8, 8 + dithering, 16
Portable Float Map
pfm32 (floating)
Portable Gray Map
pgm8, 8 + dithering, 16
Portable Network Graphicspng8, 8 + dithering, 16
Portable Pixel Map
ppm8, 8 + dithering, 16
Photoshop Document
psd8, 8 + dithering, 16
Truevision TGAtarga8, 8 + dithering
Tag Image File Formattiff8, 8 + dithering, 16, 32 (floating)
Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Formatwbmp8, 8 + dithering
webp8, 8 + dithering
X PixMap
xpm8, 8 + dithering

Output maps

This section list all the textures that will be generated based on the current export preset. It indicates the texture name template, the file format and bit depth, and the color space as well if Color management is enabled.

This section allows to disable the export of specific files or to override the file format and bit depth.

Export USD asset

Checking this box will allow you to export in USD format. Unlike the USDz (Apple AR) preset available in Output templates, this export will take into consideration any template or parameter you've configured for your export. The following files are exported when you check the USD asset box -

  • A folder with texture maps
  • A .usda which points to the texture maps folder.
  • An optional .usd that assembles materials and original mesh file. It can directly be used in Omniverse to show your mesh with materials applied automatically.
  • An optional .usd which creates a file with the mesh used in project. It is exported only if the original mesh file is not a USD or if Painter's auto-unwrap was used to generate UVs.

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