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Surface Shader - Shader API | Substance 3D Painter

Surface Shader - Shader API


To create a shader resource that can be used in Substance Painter, just create a glsl file containing a single function called shade with the following profile:

void shade(V2F inputs);
void shade(V2F inputs);
void shade(V2F inputs);

V2F input type definition:

struct V2F {
vec3 normal; // interpolated normal
vec3 tangent; // interpolated tangent
vec3 bitangent; // interpolated bitangent
vec3 position; // interpolated position
vec4 color[1]; // interpolated vertex colors (color0)
vec2 tex_coord; // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0)
SparseCoord sparse_coord; // interpolated sparse texture coordinates used by textureSparse() sampling function
vec2 multi_tex_coord[8]; // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0-uv7)
struct V2F { vec3 normal; // interpolated normal vec3 tangent; // interpolated tangent vec3 bitangent; // interpolated bitangent vec3 position; // interpolated position vec4 color[1]; // interpolated vertex colors (color0) vec2 tex_coord; // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0) SparseCoord sparse_coord; // interpolated sparse texture coordinates used by textureSparse() sampling function vec2 multi_tex_coord[8]; // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0-uv7) };
struct V2F { 
  vec3 normal;               // interpolated normal 
  vec3 tangent;              // interpolated tangent 
  vec3 bitangent;            // interpolated bitangent 
  vec3 position;             // interpolated position 
  vec4 color[1];             // interpolated vertex colors (color0) 
  vec2 tex_coord;            // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0) 
  SparseCoord sparse_coord;  // interpolated sparse texture coordinates used by textureSparse() sampling function 
  vec2 multi_tex_coord[8];   // interpolated texture coordinates (uv0-uv7) 

Note: To obtain a SparseCoord for uv1-uv7, you have to explicitly call getSparseCoord(vec2) defined in lib-sparse.glsl

Surface shader outputs:

The following functions can be called from within the shade function to describe fragment properties:

// fragment opacity. default value: 1.0
void alphaOutput(float);
// diffuse lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0)
void diffuseShadingOutput(vec3);
// specular lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0)
void specularShadingOutput(vec3);
// color emitted by the fragment. default value: vec3(0.0)
void emissiveColorOutput(vec3);
// fragment color. default value: vec3(1.0)
void albedoOutput(vec3);
// subsurface scattering properties, see lib-sss.glsl for details. default value: vec4(0.0)
void sssCoefficientsOutput(vec4);
// fragment opacity. default value: 1.0 void alphaOutput(float); // diffuse lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0) void diffuseShadingOutput(vec3); // specular lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0) void specularShadingOutput(vec3); // color emitted by the fragment. default value: vec3(0.0) void emissiveColorOutput(vec3); // fragment color. default value: vec3(1.0) void albedoOutput(vec3); // subsurface scattering properties, see lib-sss.glsl for details. default value: vec4(0.0) void sssCoefficientsOutput(vec4);
// fragment opacity. default value: 1.0 
void alphaOutput(float); 
// diffuse lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0) 
void diffuseShadingOutput(vec3); 
// specular lighting contribution. default value: vec3(0.0) 
void specularShadingOutput(vec3); 
// color emitted by the fragment. default value: vec3(0.0) 
void emissiveColorOutput(vec3); 
// fragment color. default value: vec3(1.0) 
void albedoOutput(vec3); 
// subsurface scattering properties, see lib-sss.glsl for details. default value: vec4(0.0) 
void sssCoefficientsOutput(vec4);

As an example, the most basic rendering equation for computing the fragment color is: emissiveColor + albedo * diffuseShading + specularShading

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