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Creating and saving presets | Substance 3D Painter

Creating and saving presets

The Properties window allows to tweak the brush parameters and to save them as a preset for quick re-use in the future.

Creating a new preset

Preset can be created from anywhere within the Properties window when Tool properties are available (paint layer or paint effect).

Right-clicking in the Properties windows will bring-up the context menu with the following actions :

  • Create tool preset : this action creates a tool preset which saves the brush parameters and the materials within the same preset file
  • Create material preset : this action creates a material preset which only saves the material properties and resources inside a preset file.
  • Create brush preset : this action creates a brush preset which only saves the brush parameters and the alpha and stencil resources inside a preset file.

Updating an existing preset

It is possible to update an existing preset on the disk based on the current values available in the Properties window. Right-clicking on the asset in the Assets window and choosing "Update from current tool" allows to update the preset.

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