Create the CSV form used to Send in Bulk


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Using the Send in Bulk CSV upload option does not support in-app authoring of fields. All fields must be placed on the document template before uploading to the Send in Bulk interface.

Create the CSV file

A CSV file is best created using a spreadsheet application like Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc. Most spreadsheets can export into a CSV format, which is required for the upload to succeed.

Spreadsheets present the data in an easily readable table format, where the rows (i.e., records) and columns (i.e., fields)  are easily discernable. When creating your CSV, each row represents one child agreement, and each column is one argument applied to the agreement (like the recipient email and personalized form fields).

Two things to consider before you start to build your CSV:

  • The Send in Bulk template allows the configuration of many agreement options, and if the CSV does not explicitly define a setting, the default value from the parent template is used. So if all agreements have the same Agreement name, don't include that column in your CSV file.
  • A value does not need to be placed in every field because a column exists. Empty fields are ignored, and the default from the parent Send in Bulk template is used. So there is no need to fill in every field in every record.

The CSV itself can be divided into three meaningful sections:


The new Send in Bulk environment does not currently support configuring the sender to sign first through the user interface.

Customers using a legacy CSV file in the new experience will not be able to insert the Sender as the first signer. A new CSV using the new formatting must be created with the sender defined as the first recipient for each child agreement.


The CSV file may not have a comma or blank space at the end of any row or at the end of the CSV file.

Having a comma or blank space at the end of a row or at the end of the file will trigger an error message: "Error reading the CSV file provided."

Example of a CSV file highlighting trailing commas and a blank line at the end of the file.

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