HIPAA configurations in Adobe Acrobat Sign Solutions


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Enable eligibility for HIPAA compliance

This article is for customers who have signed a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Adobe Acrobat Sign Solutions. Your organization may not process protected health information (PHI) through Acrobat Sign until the BAA is completed.

  • Customers that don't have a BAA may not enable the Linked Business Associated Agreement setting.
  • The HIPAA readiness capability is only available through an Adobe Acrobat Sign for enterprise or business subscription plan. Not all accounts will qualify for enablement.
  • Enabling HIPAA settings will prevent the use of the Salesforce Document Builder. Salesforce customers who require HIPAA compliance must use Salesforce Merge Mappings instead.
Global Settings admin menu highlighting the disabled "Healthcare Customer" settings

Once the BAA is signed, Adobe will update the back-end settings that will show the Linked Business Associated Agreement as checked.
Note that this setting is view only and never editable by the customer administrator.

Global Settings admin menu highlighting the enabled "Healthcare Customer" settings

When the BAA is signed, and the backend setting is enabled, you can use the following general security recommendations from Adobe to harden your Acrobat Sign account for use with PHI data.


These are Adobe recommendations only. Customers are responsible for implementing appropriate privacy and security safeguards within their Acrobat Sign account.


We strongly recommend that account administrators review the other security settings in Account Settings > Security Settings.

Sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)

Before processing protected health information through Acrobat Sign, your organization must enter into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Adobe.    

Contact your sales or channel representative to determine eligibility and establish a BAA with Adobe.

When contacting your sales or channel representative regarding BAA eligibility, you must include the Account ID for your Acrobat Sign account. The Account ID can be found in the Global Settings section of the account-level admin menu:

Global Settings page in the admin menu highlighting the account ID


After the BAA is accepted and executed, the check box for linking the BAA will be checked, and your account will be enabled.  

Global Settings admin menu highlighting the enabled "Healthcare Customer" settings

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