Edit a custom send workflow


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Editing a custom workflow

Users that have the authority to create workflows can edit their workflows at any time.

Group administrators have the authority to edit the workflows that are created and shared with their groups.  Note that administrators editing a workflow shared to their group by another user have the option to unshare the workflow and return it to a state where only the owner can use it. If the workflow is unshared, the admin loses the ability to access it again until the owner re-shares it with the group.

  • Editing a workflow can be done while the workflow is active in the system.
  • Edits to the workflow that are saved (updated) take effect immediately and are available for the next user that triggers the workflow to create an agreement.
  • Edits to a workflow do not translate to agreements previously sent.

Not that if a group administrator changes the scope for who can use the workflow to Only me (meaning the original creator), the workflow falls outside the scope of the group admin, and they will not be able to regain access to edit the workflow.

  1. Select the Workflows tab in the top navigation bar and then select Custom Workflows from the left rail.

  2. In the Workflows list, select a workflow and click the Open <Workflow Name> button.

    Select a workflow to edit

  3. The Workflow Designer displays

    Once the Workflow Designer is open, the workflow is fully editable. All sections can be changed as needed, and no changes will be saved until the Update button is clicked.

    Located on the right-hand side of the rail are the workflow controls:

    A. Clone Workflow  - This allows you to create a clone of the existing workflow under a new name.

    B. Delete Workflow  - This deletes the workflow from the account view.

    C. CloseCloses the workflow. You will be challenged if there are unsaved changes.

    D. Update — Saves all changes to the workflow.

    E. Activate/Deactivate—Click to activate (or deactivate) the workflow.

    • The dot next to the workflow name indicates whether the workflow is draft/inactive (grey dot) or active (green dot).
    Update Tool bar

  4. Edit the workflow.

    Editing the workflow allows for all of the same options and functionality as creating a new workflow

    Administrators editing a workflow created by a user in their group (not their own workflow) show a slightly modified list of options in the Who can use this workflow control on the Workflow tab. Instead of showing the string Only me, the replacement text says Unshare (Return to <Name of owning user>) to indicate that the administrator isn't the owner.

    Unsharing the workflow immediately returns individual control to the owner, removes the authority for the administrator to further edit the workflow, and kicks the admin out of the editing environment.

    Unshare a workflow

  5. When all edits are completed, select the Update button to save the configuration.

    The interface updated and the Update button is greyed out to indicate there are no unsaved edits. At this point you can continue to edit the workflow, Activate/Deactivate it, or close the workflow designer.

    Update the workflow

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