Assign form fields to recipients


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Field assignment

When adding fields to your agreement, it is important to assign each field to a recipient. The field assignment determines which recipient is allowed to interact with that field, to the exclusion of all others.

Fields marked as "Required" must have some content entered before the recipient can complete their part of the agreement.

Fields that are not required, and are left empty by the recipient, are still locked against access by other recipients, as they are specifically assigned to one party in the transaction.

It is possible to assign a field to "Anyone", which makes the field available to each recipient in turn, until someone enters content into the field.  Once a field has content, and the recipient completes their portion of the process, the field content will be locked against further editing for all subsequent recipients.

It is also possible to assign a field as "Prefill", which means the fields will be made available to the sender of the agreement at the time the agreement is sent. These fields are only available during the prefill stage, and can not be made available to recipients.

Assigning fields to recipients

To define a field for a specific recipient, you must set the Assigned To value of the field when you are authoring the document.

An easy way to do this is to select the recipient from the RECIPIENTS section along the right hand side of the window before placing any fields.

Any field subsequently placed will set the Assigned To value as that selected recipient.

There are two visual indicators to help understand the field "ownership":

  • When you select a recipient, all of the fields assigned to that recipient are highlighted with a brighter yellow shade, whereas fields not assigned to the selected recipient will be grayed out.
  • Each recipient in the RECIPIENTS list has a different color block next to their name that corresponds to a colored tag in the upper-right corner of each field.

Place all fields for one recipient, and then select the next recipient that needs to enter content or sign, and place their fields.  Do this for each recipient on the agreement.


Once a field is on the document, you can modify the Assigned To value through the field properties menu.

Double-click the field to open the properties menu (Right clicking a selected field opens a small menu with Edit as an option).

With the properties menu open, you can find the Assigned To field at the top, just under the field name.

All recipients are listed in the drop-down menu.

The Role selector in the Field properties

Assigning field ownership in a library template

When creating or editing a library template, all of the same options apply.

The only difference is that instead of an "named" recipient, you see a generic placeholder: Participant 1, Participant 2, and so on.

  • Participant 1 is the first recipient to gain access, Participant 2 is the second, etc.
  • Prefill fields are exclusive to the Sender are available to fill only at the time the agreement is sent.
  • Anyone fields are open to all recipients until content is added, at which time they become locked down.
  • Everyone participation only applies to Hyperlink fields (everyone can't fill in the same field, but everyone should be allowed to click a link).

Additional participants can be added by clicking the Add New Participant option at the top of the recipient list.

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