Allowed signature types


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Acrobat allows for two types of signature, electronic and written.

Electronic signatures include typed input, image upload, drawn on a touch device, and digital signature certificates. Electronic signatures are the easiest option, containing all of the activity within the electronic device, be it a desktop computer, tablet, or phone.

Written signatures require the recipient to download the document, print it, physically sign it, scan it, and then upload it back to Acrobat Sign. While this process creates more friction for the signer, some use cases demand it. The process is well documented in the electronic interface for the signer, providing them with a complete understanding of how to complete the process.

All accounts are configured to use electronic signatures by default, but if your work process demands a written signature, that option is available.


If only one signature type is enabled for the group, then the option to select a signature type is hidden on the Send page. Both options must be enabled for the option to be exposed and selectable for senders.



The option to configure signature types is available for enterprise license plans.

Team and individual license plans have only electronic signatures enabled for sending agreements. 

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Account Settings > Send Settings > Allowed Signature Types


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