Migrating from echosign.com to adobesign.com


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Overview of what's happening

Adobe Acrobat Sign has deployed a new domain: adobesign.com.

Customers can identify their domain by logging in to Acrobat Sign and checking the URL:

  • If your URL reads adobesign.com, your account is already on the new domain.
  • If your URL shows echosign.com, then your account must be migrated.

If your URL reads documents.adobe.com, your domain is not changing. However, customers will need to explicitly allow email from adobesign@adobesign.com

The account URL highlighting the domain.

Actions to review/take

To ensure continuity of service, customers should prepare for the domain migration by reviewing the below list of actions and addressing the issues that are germane for their account.

All impacted accounts will have the ability to switch to the new domain once their account has successfully resolved any concerns/tasks that the below list prompts.


Changing your SAML configuration requires that you opt-in to the new domain immediately after saving the new IdP settings in Acrobat Sign.

SSO to the account will be broken until the domain switch is completed.

If you are a SAML using customer, be sure to set your SAML Mode settings in Acrobat Sign to SAML Allowed

  • Verify that you know your native Acrobat Sign password
    • This is a precaution to avoid being accidentally locked out of your account after you change the IdP

All accounts are strongly encouraged to "opt-in" to the new domain as early as possible to allow time for troubleshooting if problems arise.

Accounts can switch back to the legacy domain if problems do occur. 

How to change the domain

When you are satisfied that your account is ready to migrate:

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as an account-level administrator

  2. Navigate to Account > Account Settings > Account Setup

  3. Click the Update now button

    Update the domain

  4. A check list of the important actions is presented in an overlay.

    Review each point and check them off when you are confident the concern is properly addressed for your account.

    Verify checklist

  5. Click OK when all of the boxes are checked, and then click Save:

    • You will be logged out automatically, and will have to authenticate to the new domain
    • If you have a bookmark to log in, edit the URL to use adobesign.com instead of echosign.com

    Bookmarks to the old domain (echosign.com) can prompt multiple Cookie enablement requests when the login process shifts the user to the new domain (adobesign.com). 

    It is recommended that users be notified to update their bookmarks to target the new login domain.

Revert back to the legacy domain

If you have to revert back to the legacy domain for any reason, the process is the same as the initial switch.

  • Accounts that have SAML enabled will need to re-configure their SAML IdP settings to use the old client
  • Accounts that employ the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce integration will need to re-link the applications after the switch
  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as an account-level administrator

  2. Navigate to Account > Account Settings > Account Setup

  3. Click the Update now button, and then click Save

    • You will be logged out automatically
    Update the domain

Common questions

Below you will find a list of common questions about the domain migration.

If you can not find an answer for your question here, please contact your success manager or customer support.

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