Decline to sign the agreement as a recipient


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Refuse to sign an agreement that you don't want to sign.


Recipients who disagree with an agreement sent to them can typically decline to sign the agreement, ending all reminders and canceling it in the Acrobat Sign system.

A declined agreement cannot be restarted, and a new agreement must be created by the sender.


The ability to decline an agreement is configurable by the sending user's organization and may be absent from your Options menu.
In this case, it's best to reply to the Review and Sign email to communicate back to the sender and request that they cancel the agreement on their end.

How can I decline an agreement?

To decline an agreement (stopping all reminders and canceling the agreement in the system)

  1. Open the agreement by selecting the Review and sign link in your email notification.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the e-sign page.

  4. Select Decline to sign from the Options menu

    The "e-sign" page with the "Options" menu expanded and the "Decline to sign" option highlighted.

  5. Provide a reason for canceling the agreement if prompted to do so.

    Your experience may change from one agreement to another based on the sending organization's configurations.

    Agreements can be configured by the sender to:

    • Not require a decline reason at all.
    • Require the recipient to select from a list of pre-formatted decline reasons.
    • Allow the recipient to enter their own custom reason for declining the agreement.
    The "Decline to Sign" panel


    Providing an explicit decline message can help communicate to the sender why the agreement did not meet your needs or express your unwillingness to sign. This can be very helpful for the sender in determining what their next steps should be.

  6. Select Decline to end participation and cancel the agreement.

    The page updates to indicate the recipient has been successfully declined.

    The success message when an agreement is declined.

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