Configure access to Power Automate workflows


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Empower administrators and users to automate sending and post-signing workflows using the Microsoft Power Automate integration.


The Acrobat Sign commercial enterprise license entitles the account to a limited use of the Microsoft Power Automate service to manage workflows involving Acrobat Sign agreements.

Users can create workflows that are triggered manually, through a triggering event (like an agreement completion), or on a planned schedule. The workflows can be designed to send agreements from a template, file agreements to third-party repositories (like Sharepoint), notify someone that an agreement has been received, and countless other manual tasks. The workflow engine is amazingly robust and provides many options for a user to automate.

Administrators have the option to allow non-admin users to create and use flows as they will or restrict access for admin use only, depending on how your work environment best operates.


The integrated Power Automate Workflow service is available for commercial enterprise license plans only.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

How it's used

Creating a workflow can be as simple as a straightforward email notification to a complex series of events involving multiple applications linked through OAuth connectors. What can be built is largely dependent on what you can imagine you need to do with the applications you have.

Templates exist for several of the more common automations customers ask about, and these templates can be modified to accommodate your particular needs. 


The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Global Settings > Power Automate Workflows

The Global Settings admin page highlighting the Power Automate Workflows controls.

The configurable options are:

  • Enable Power Automate workflows within Acrobat Sign - This setting is enabled by default, allowing all users to discover the feature and run the Power Automate flows that are shared with them (or they create).
    • Disabling this option removes all access to discover, create, and run Power Automate flows for group administrators and non-admin users. Account-level administrators retain access to create and run workflows (as long as the integration is still connected to Microsoft).
    • Group-level administrators retain the authority to enable the option at the group level, thereby gaining access to create and run workflows.
  • Allow users to create Power Automate workflows - This setting enables non-admin users to create new workflows in Acrobat Sign.
  • Allow users to enable this feature - When this option is enabled, the Workflow Integration tab is exposed for non-administrative users. This allows a non-admin user to enable the integration for their primary group. Non-admin users follow the same enablement process.
The personal menu for a non-administrator highlighting the Workflow Integrations tab


Before users can execute Power Automate flows, they must log in to Acrobat Sign, select the Workflows tab, and authenticate to their Microsoft account.

  • The challenge to authenticate triggers as soon as the user opens the Workflows tab.
  • This user authentication is persistent, and users should not have to reauthenticate after the first time.

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