Create a template from an agreement


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Create a library template from a previously sent agreement.


Often a user will compose an agreement and take the time to carefully apply fields during the creation process. If the agreement is well designed, and the sender wants to preserve that agreement design as a library template, there is an action on the Manage page to Create a Template and preserve that effort as a template for future use.

  • In progress, Draft and Completed agreements may all be used to create a template.
  • Waiting for you, Canceled and Expired agreements can not be used to create a template. The action isn't available.
  • One agreement can create multiple templates. 
  • The template creation process allows the user to change the template name.
  • The template creation process allows the user to set the template parameters for the template type and who can access the template.
  • The template creation process imports the fields as they were designed on the original agreement and allows for the user to edit them freely.
  • Additional files can be added.

How it's used

  1. Find the agreement on your Manage page and select it so the Actions list appears in the right-hand panel.

  2. Select the Create a Template action.

    The Manage page with the agreement selected and the Actions list exposed with the Create a Template action highlighted.

  3. Edit the Template Name, Template type, and Who can use this template according to your needs.

  4. Add or edit the files as needed.

  5. Select Preview & Add Fields to open the field authoring environment.

    The "Create a Library Template" page showing all of the options to configure the template properties.

  6. Add or edit the fields on the template as needed.

  7. Save the template.

    The new template is immediately available.



The action to create a template from an existing agreement is available to all license packages.

Configuration scope:

The feature is not configured by user action. It's an embedded feature.

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