Convert an agreement to be printed and manually signed


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Apply a written signature to an agreement configured for an electronic signature.

Convert your e-sign agreement into a written signature

Recipients included in an agreement requiring an electronic signature can easily convert the agreement to accept a manual "wet" signature instead.

A written signature asks the recipient to fill in any field data electronically and then download a PDF of the agreement (with their field content included). The recipient then applies their wet signature, scans the signed document back into PDF format, and uploads it to Acrobat Sign to complete their part of the signature cycle.

  • Converting the agreement to a written signature will remove all fields for subsequent recipients. Signature fields for subsequent recipients are applied to the bottom of the agreement.
  • Subsequent recipients can also convert the agreement to a written signature if they need to add form content.
  • If you start the process of converting to a written signature, a new email is delivered with a link to upload the signed PDF.
  • If you start the process of converting to a written signature, a new option is added to the Options menu to Sign electronically, which reverts the agreement to an e-signature. This option remains available until the agreement is downloaded for the signature.

The ability to print an agreement for written signature is configurable by the sending user's organization and may be absent from your Options menu.
In this case, it's best to reply to the Review and Sign email to communicate back to the sender and request that they send a new agreement for written signature if possible.

How to convert your electronic signature to a written signature

  1. Select the Review and sign link from the initial notification email to open the e-sign page.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the e-sign page.

  4. Select the Print, sign and upload option.

    The e-sign page with the Options menu expanded and the "Print, sign and upload" option highlighted.

  5. A challenge is delivered to ensure you want to change to a written signature.

    Select Continue.

    The challenge issues to confirm the change to a print, sign, and upload solution.

    • All required fields assigned to the recipient must be completed before the recipient can progress to download the PDF.
    • All optional fields can be filled electronically or ignored.
    • Once the PDF is printed, all fields are removed from the agreement and any additional information must be added manually.

    The three-step illustration of how the written signature process works is displayed

    The three-step illustration of how to complete a written signature.

  6. "Step 1: Review & Fill"

    Complete all required fields on the electronic document.

    Once all required fields are complete, select Next at the bottom of the page.


  7. "Step 2: Download to sign"

    The "Download, Print, and Sign" instruction panel opens.

    Select Download and save the PDF to your local computer.

    The "Download, print, and sign" panel highlighting the Download button.

    After selecting Download, the page refreshes to show the Upload Your Signed Agreement page, and an email is delivered to the recipient with a link to upload the signed agreement. Both serve the same purpose of providing an easy-to-access link to the upload process.


    After the Download button is selected, there is no way to revert back to an electronic signature.

  8. Locate the agreement PDF on your local computer and print it.

  9. Manually sign the printed agreement.

  10. Scan the signed agreement and save it as a PDF.

  11. "Step 3: Upload to submit"

    Select the Upload to submit button on the "Upload Your Signed Agreement" page, or the Click here to upload link in the email to start the upload process.

    The file picker system on your local computer will prompt you to search for and select the signed agreement PDF.

    The "Upload Your Signed Agreement" page and the upload email.

  12. Locate the signed agreement PDF on your local system and select it.

    The file is uploaded automatically after it's selected.

    After a brief processing time, a success message is displayed:

    The post-upload success page.

    After the upload is successful, the next recipient is notified (if there is one), or the agreement is completed.

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