Administrators can set their account and group level time zone offset to adjust the user environment to reflect a time frame that matches user expectations.
Users also have the ability to set their own time zone offset in their personal profiles.
Changing the time zone offset adjusts the timestamps that are displayed in the Adobe Acrobat Sign system, such as the agreement Activity log. Because this content is presented dynamically, the time zone offset can be changed, and the users can see the updates immediately.
Remember that User-level settings override Group-level settings, and Group-level settings override Account-level settings. Users that adjust their profile settings will have a personalized experience that may be different from other users that configure their profiles discretely or that inherit their settings from their group.
The default time zone settings do not impact the signature timestamps in agreements, which adopt the time zone offset of the recipient applying their signature.
Audit Report uses the GMT timezone by default, but can be configured to use the account/group defined offset if desired.
The option to set the default time zone is available for team and enterprise license plans.
Configuration scope:
The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.
Users also have the option to set their personal default time zone value in their user profile, which overrides the group setting.
The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Global Settings > Set a default time zone to use for agreements created by users in this account
Use selected time zone for audit reports
Administrators have the option to change the default GMT time zone used in Audit Reports to use the account or group configured default time zone offset instead.
- Enabling this feature will apply to all agreements created after the setting is saved to the system.
- Completed agreements cannot have their audit reports adjusted to the new time zone.