Web form data export


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Overview of the Web Form Data Export

Customers that employ Web Forms can use the Web Form Data Export to quickly pull data from one or more Web Form parent templates. Each Web Form template selected returns all child agreements generated through the parent template, including all related data (field information) retained in those child agreements. In addition to the base filters and data columns, the Web Form export type includes a few unique options:

  • Two Web Form-centric filters have been added: one to select individual web form templates and another to filter based on the template's status (when multiple web forms are included).
  • A new Agreement status (Web Form Pending First Signer Verification) to identify potentially orphaned web forms that have not yet verified the first signer.
  • Web Form-specific data columns have been added to help isolate datasets and generally manage web forms at a higher level.
Data Export page highlighting the Web Form tile

Web Form filters

When using the Web Form data export, there are two new filters to help limit the amount of data returned:


Multiple web forms can have the same name. A web form's name isn't designed to be a unique value.
Acrobat Sign understands the difference between these objects through unique ID numbers, which are hidden from the user's view.

Using a solid naming convention that employs unique characteristics (dates, locations, etc.) becomes demonstrably useful when selecting the correct web form for your reporting needs.

Further, there is a new Agreement Status value specifically for web forms added to the Agreement status filter:

Web Form data columns

Additional columns have been added to the reporting database to allow for data segmentation  that is useful at the web form level:

The "Available Columns" added through the Web Forms Data Export

  • Web Form ID - This is the unique identifier of the parent web form template within Acrobat Sign. If you export data from multiple web forms, include this value so you can later filter by version of the web form. Particularly useful if you have recurring web form names.
  • Web Form Name - The parent template's name as it appears in the Web Form name filter and on the Manage page. The web form name can't be edited after creation.
  • Web Form Created date - The date and time the parent template was created.
  • Web Form Last Changed - The date and time marking the last time the parent template was edited and successfully saved.
  • Web Form Group Owner - The unique Acrobat Sign ID of the group that "owns" the template from a property inheritance perspective. 
  • Web Form Status - The current status of a parent template.
Example spreadsheet showing all six Web Form columns with example data.

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