Unshare an agreement


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Unsharing an agreement is accessed through the same Action on the Manage page as the original Share process. As soon as a share is executed, Unshare is appended to the Share action.

Unsharing an agreement immediatly removes the agreement from the Manage page of the shared to party. Note that this does not unsend the email with the attached PDF.

In the case where a shared to user has further shared the agreement to other users, the Unshare action automatically unshares the target user, and revokes all of the subsequent share relationships they have created.

Users that have been shared to do not have the authority to unshare to other users.


Only the user that created the share and the owner of the agreement can unshare the agreement, with the notable consequence of revoking the "downstream" shares mentioned above.

Example scenario:

  • Originator (O) shares an agreement with (A) and (C)
  • Participants (P1) and (P2) are participants on the agreement
  • Sharee (A) re-shares the agreement with (B)
  • Sharee (C) re-shares the agreement with (D) and (E)
  • Participant (P1) does not share the agreement with anyone
  • Participant (P2) shares the agreement with (F)
  • Sharee (F) re-shares the agreement with (G)
Unsharing chart

Unsharing access and downstream impact:

  • Originator (O) will be able to unshare with (A), (C), and (F)
  • Participant (P2) can only unshare with (F)
  • Sharee (A) can only unshare with (B)
  • Sharee (C) can only unshare with (D) and (E)
  • Sharee (F) can only unshare with (G)
  • If Originator (O) unshares the agreement with (A), the agreement gets unshared with (A) and (B).
  • If Originator (O) unshares the agreement with (C), the agreement gets unshared with (C), (D) and (E).
  • If Originator (O) unshares the agreement with (F), the agreement gets unshared with (F) and (G).
  • If (A) unshares the agreement, the agreement gets unshared with (B), but is still shared between (O), (C), (D), and (E).
  • If (C) unshares the agreement, the agreement gets unshared with (D) and (E), but is still shared between (O), (A), and (B).
    • If (C) re-shares the agreement with (D) again, then it will be shared with (O), (A), (B), (C), and (D), but will still be unshared with (E)

To unshare an individual agreement:

  1. As the creator of the share relationship, go to the Manage page and select the agreement you want to unshare.

    This exposes the Actions rail on the right side of the window.

  2. Select the Share/Unshare action.

    If you do not see the action, the group the agreement was sent from has disabled agreement sharing controls. Contact your account or group manager to evaluate the controls.

  3. The Share/Unshare interface pops up.

    Select the Unshare this agreement button:

    The Share/Unshare interface with the Unshare this agreement button highlighted

  4. The Unshare Agreement overlay appears, listing all of the explicit shares that can be unshared.

    Select one or more users to unshare with, and select the Unshare button.


    The last option in the image blow indicates that unsharing with jeani@caseyjones.dom will also unshare the agreement with foo@foo.dom.
    This is a result of Jeani further sharing the agreement to Foo after it was shared to her. Unsharing with Jeani automatically revokes all shares for the parties Jeani has shared with.

    The Unshare Agreement interface with three users listed and one selected.

Unsharing an agreement immediatly:

  • Updates the metadata for the agreement.
  • Removes the agreement from the Manage page of the shared to users.
  • Updates the Activity list and Audit Report.
    • Note that the Audit Report can not be updated if the agreement is completed. Only the Activity list will update once the agreement is complete.
The Audit Report and Activity log showing both explicit and automatic unshare events
Explicitly unsharing a shared agreement results in a "Document unshared" event. "Automatically unshared" events result from revoking the shares of a user that has further shared the agreement.

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