Download a PDF of the agreement


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Download a PDF version of the agreement in its current status.

Download a PDF version of the agreement

Recipients who want to read the agreement as a PDF can download a version in its current status as a PDF to their local computer.


The option to Download PDF is a configurable element of the sending account and may not be present in the Options menu.
If Download PDF isn't present, check to see if Read agreement is available, which provides a fieldless view of the agreement.

  1. Select the Review and sign link from the initial notification email to open the e-sign page.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the e-sign page.

  4. Select the Download PDF option from the Options menu.

    Alternatively, select the Download icon at the bottom of the window (next to the page magnification icons).

    The e-sign page with the Options menu expanded and the "Download PDF" option highlighted.

  5. Enter a name for the file and select the file location into which the PDF should be downloaded.

  6. Select Save to trigger the download and close the download window.

PDF is saved to the selected file location under the configured file name and can be opened with any standard PDF viewer.


Remember that a downloaded PDF of an agreement is only a copy of the agreement in the status when it was downloaded. This copy only serves as a reference and does not constitute a legal version of the document.

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