Open and View an agreement


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Open and view any agreement available on your Manage page.

All users can access the agreements they are party to through their Manage page. Any agreement can be reviewed at any stage of the signature process using the Open Agreement action. 

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign and navigate to your Manage page.

  2. Search for and select the agreement you want to view.

  3. Select the Open Agreement action from the right rail of actions.

    The page reloads to present the files of the agreement in a view-only mode.

    Manage page with the Open agreement action highlighted.


    If the viewing party is also the current active recipient of the document, they can complete their actions and progress the agreement to the next recipient (or complete it if they are the final recipient).


  4. Adjust the view of the document using the PDF controls located at the bottom of the window, between the document and the right rail list of actions.

    PDF controls include:

    • Page indicator - Displays the current page in view. The page number can be edited to jump to a specific page.
    • Page navigation (up and down) - Moves the viewable page up or down in the document.
    • Page rotation - Rotates the view of the document counterclockwise 45, 90, or 135 degrees.
    • Page view frame:
      • Single-page view - Displays only one page in the viewable window.
      • Two-page view - Displays two pages side by side in the viewable window.
      • Show the cover page - Shows just the first page of the document. (Only available when the Two-page view option is enabled.)
      • Zoom to the page level - Expands the pages to fill the viewing stage with the document height and width. (Only available when the Two-page view option is enabled.)
      • Fit to width - Expands the document to fit the window's width.
      • Full screen - Expands the document to fit the entire screen.
    • Magnification - Increase or decrease the document's magnification in increments (instead of full width or full screen).
    PDF controls including page number, page navigation, page rotation, one or two page visibility, and magnification controls.

  5. Search for specific strings in the content using standard browser search Ctrl/Cmd + F.

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