Download and sign with an Acrobat certificate


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How to apply a digital signature with Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader


Digital signatures applied via the “Download and Sign with Acrobat” option must use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader XI v11.0.7 or later.

  1. Signers are notified via email and instructed to open the agreement by clicking the Review and sign button.

    Review and Sign email

  2. Once the agreement is open, the signer can read the document and fill in the necessary fields. All required fields must be completed before the signer can advance to the signature process.

    A digital signature field displaying the tool-tip
    Mousing over the digital signature field prompts a text balloon with instructions.

  3. Clicking into the field opens an overlay asking the signer to select one of two paths:

    • Cloud Signature 
    • Download and Sign With Acrobat

    Select Download and Sign With Acrobat, and then Next.

    The selection options to choose a cloud-based or Acrobat signature certificate.

  4. An overlay is triggered, describing the process.

    • Select OK.

  5. When all required fields have been filled out, the Continue to Sign button appears at the bottom of the window.

    • Select Continue to Sign.
    The e-Sign page showing the "Continue to Sign" button exposed.

  6. Download and open the PDF in Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader

    The Download Document page loads.

    • Select Download Document. Acrobat (or Reader, depending on your installed application) opens the PDF.
    The "Download Document" page with the link to download Acrobat highlighted.


    If you do not have Acrobat or Adobe Reader, you'll need to download and install one of them to apply your digital signature. At the bottom of the page is a link (Need to install Acrobat Reader ?) to install Adobe Reader, a free-to-use PDF viewer.

  7. A download page opens so you can direct where you wish to save the agreement PDF.

    Save and then Open the PDF.

  8. Review the PDF to locate the digital signature fields.

    A yellow tab indicates where to place the signature.

    The Digital Signature field highlighted in the PDF.

  9. Create a new Digital ID

    Clicking into the signature area opens a dialog box showing any certificates available. 

    If valid Digital IDs are already present:

    If no certificate can be found, only the button to Configure New Digital ID is available.

  10. You are presented with the configuration panel after clicking the button to create a new Digital ID. Here you find three options:

    • Use a Signature Creation Device—This is used when a physical device is connected to your local system.
    • Use a Digital ID from a file — Used to import an existing Digital ID from a networked file.
    • Create a new Digital IDThis is used when you do not have an existing Digital ID that you can access.

    Select Create a new Digital ID and then Continue.

  11. The panel changes to ask where you want to store the Digital ID:

    • Save to File - This option stores the Digital ID on your local system, and makes the Digital ID available for Adobe-based signatures.
    • Save to Windows Certified Store - Saving the Digital ID to the Windows Certified Store saves the Digital ID in a way that makes it available to applications other than Adobe Reader / Acrobat.

    Select Save to File, and then Continue.

  12. The panel refreshes to show the details of the Digital ID.

    Make sure that all fields are correctly filled in, and select Continue.

  13. The next panel asks you to provide a password for the Digital ID.

    You must enter this password whenever you attempt to apply your digital signature.

    Once you have entered your password, select Save to complete the creation of your Digital ID.

  14. You are then returned to the first panel showing all your digital IDs.

    Select the Digital ID to use, and select the Continue button.

  15. Apply the signature

    After selecting Continue, the panel refreshes to show the visual representation of your signature object.

    You can use it as-is, or you can further customize the look of the object.

    To customize it, select the Edit button at the top right of the panel, which loads the Customize panel.

  16. At the top of the Customize panel, notice that the same signature options exist as in the App.  You can replace the default font with a drawn signature or an image.

    Make any edits you like, then select Save to save the new format.

    This returns you to the previous screen, asking for your Digital ID password.

  17. Type the password for the chosen Digital ID into the field that says Enter the Digital ID PIN or Password and select Sign.

    The Digital ID panel disappears, and the PDF updates to show a new blue banner at the top, indicating that the signature is valid.  Additionally, a small pop-up window appears, confirming the successful digital signature.

  18. Select OK and close the PDF, the signature process for this recipient is complete!

    Below is an example of a normal e-signature field on the left, and a digital signature on the right

Best practices

Acrobat provides a self-signed certificate, which may not provide the identification benefits of a cloud-based signature. If your organization intends to use the Acrobat digital signature option, you may want to consider pairing that with a premium authentication method to bolster confidence in the recipient's identity.

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