Collect form data with agreements


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It's not uncommon for an agreement sender to be the primary contact for a customer's document/signature process. That often means they need access to the information the customer provides in the document.

The Collect form data with agreements group of controls provides the sending agent:

  • The option to view the recipients' field input as they work through the form in real-time. This can be useful if the signer is communicating with the recipient to help add the correct information into each field.
  • A CSV report of all field content once the agreement is completed. Helpful if senders are required to collect and report on data derived from the agreements they have sent.

The controls for collecting form data only grant access to the field data for the sender of an agreement. No other participants in the agreement have these options available.


The controls to collect form field data and expose it to the sender are available for Acrobat Sign Solutions license plans.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

How it's used

There are two controls:

  • Attach a CSV with form data to the sender's signed agreement email — This setting only needs to be configured at the group level for the sender to receive the CSV file attachment or not. The sender does not need to (nor is it allowed to) interact directly with the option to attach the CSV file.
  • Senders can view form field data as recipients fill them In — This is a dynamic view of only the fields on a document and the content that the current recipient has added to them. The sender can access this view from the Manage page and observe the content that each field is filled with. 
  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as the sender.

  2. Navigate to the Manage page and select the agreement in question.

    This will expose the Actions panel to the right of the agreement list.

  3. Below the list of actions is the recipient list.

    Each recipient that has added field content to the agreement displays an icon to the right of their recipient record.

    • If no icon is visible, the recipient hasn't entered any field information yet.
    • If just the pencil icon is there, the recipient is in the process of filling in their field information.
    • If a checkmark icon is next to the pencil icon, the recipient has completed their interaction with the agreement

    Select the recipient you want to review.

    The Manage page with teh recipient details expanded and the View Progress button highlighted.


    Viewing the field data becomes available after the recipient enters their first value on the form. Until then the View Progress button (and icon) is hidden.
    This does not mean the recipient has not read the agreement, only that they haven't added any field content.

    Signature and signature-related fields (such as Title, Company, Name, Email, and Signature date) are not considered form fields in this context, so they are not displayed, and if only signature-related fields are present, the View Progress button and icon will not be exposed.

  4. Select the View Progress or View Form Data button.

    This opens an overlay showing a scrolling list of fields with the form field name on the left and the current field value on the right:

    The list of fields with their current values exposed


    The recipient cannot interact with or edit the field content. This is a read-only view of the field values.

  5. When done, select Ok to close the overlay.

Best practices

Before enabling these controls, be very aware of the type of information you are collecting on the agreements and understand whether it's a good practice to expose this information to the agreement senders. If you collect private or billing information, it may not be a best practice to expose this information to senders.


The field content exposed to the senders is not masked, even if the field is designated to mask the field content. This is a method of delivering unmasked field content to the internal user (sender) that may need that information.


To review and edit the feature controls:

  1. Log in as an administrator, navigate to the Account Settings tab, and select the Global Settings sub-menu tab.
"Global Settings" admin menu highlighting the "Collect Form Data for Agreements" settings.

The configurable options are:

Things to know

  • Masked field values are not masked for the sender if these controls are enabled.
  • The option to View Form Data remains available after the agreement is completed:
The recipient list for a completed agreement highlighting the View Form Data icons

  • Canceled or expired agreements do not retain the field data.
  • Signature and signature-related fields are not considered "form fields" in this context. They will not be present in the list of fields, nor will they cause the View Progress button or icon to display.
  • If a recipient is replaced in the signature flow, the replaced recipient will not show any progress, as their field data will be lost when they are replaced. If a new recipient is added as an alternate signer,  the original recipient's progress will still be visible.

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