How to edit a recipient's authentication method after the agreement has been sent


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After an agreement has been sent, the authentication method can be edited (for any recipient) on the Manage page:

  1. Authenticate to Adobe Acrobat Sign as the owner (sender) of the agreement

  2. Navigate to the Manage page and single click the agreement to select it  

    • The right-rail action menu pops out
  3. Mouse over the icon next to the recipient you intend to edit

    • a context menu pops out for the recipient
  4. Click the Edit link next to the Authentication method on the context menu

  5. Select the new method (or update the existing password/phone number)

    • Password and Phone authentication options allow for the current value to be replaced in the event the password was forgotten or the phone number is incorrect
    • Only methods that are enabled for the Group the agreement was sent from are presented as options
  6. Click Confirm.  

    Edit Authentication method


The change takes place in real-time.

The recipient must reload the agreement from the signing link to get the new authentication.