Request IP address from recipients for the audit report


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Enable the option to collect participant IP addresses in the Audit Report.


By default, the Acrobat Sign audit report does not record the IP addresses of the events recorded by the various parties.

However, if IP address information is valuable to your organization, you can enable the collection of that data at the account or group level.


The option to request IP addresses is available for all license plans.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels by account-level administrators only. Group-level admins will not see the control in their interface.

How it's used

Any agreement sent from a group with the Request IP address from signers feature enabled will automatically collect that data in the audit report. No further user interaction is required.

  • IP addresses are collected for all events, not just signatures.
  • IP addresses are exposed on the audit report only and are not available in the agreement activity log.
Request IP Address - Audit report


The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Signature Preferences > Additional Settings > Request IP addresses from signers

Request IP Address controls

Things to know

For customers with accounts created before June 17, 2021

The default value of this setting changed on June 16, 2021, when the control for this feature was added to the customer-facing interface. At that time, the default value was changed from True (add the IP addresses) to False (do not add the IP Addresses), and admins were then allowed to add the information or not as needed.

The default value applied to agreements was predicated on the user's creation date.

  • If the user was created prior to June 17, 2021, their agreements would default to True.
  • If the user was created after June 16, 2021, their agreements would default to False.

This can then result in an inconsistent experience when reviewing audit reports from different users in the same group if some users were created before June 16 and others were created after.

On April 26, 2024, the application of the legacy behavior was updated to apply the default value based on the account's creation date (not the user's creation date), ensuring consistent audit reports for all users in the account.

Explicitly changing the control value in the admin menu removes this legacy behavior and applies the group setting.


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