Replace a recipient in an active agreement


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The Replace Recipient feature is designed to update any recipient (email address) that has not yet completed their action for the agreement. This action is useful when an email address is entered incorrectly, or if a recipient is unavailable and the recipient must be changed to another party.

How to replace a recipient

Only the original sender can replace a recipient through their Manage page.

  1. From the Manage tab, select the agreement you want to edit.
    This opens the context menu to the right of the agreement list.

  2. In the Recipients section of the context menu, mouse over the recipient to be edited.

    • An information bubble pops out to the left, showing the recipient's values.
  3. Depending on the configured settings, one or more options are exposed in the bubble.
    Select the option that best suits your signature needs:

    • Replace recipient - This option replaces the original recipient, denying them further access to the agreement. Only the newly assigned recipient can complete the participation in the agreement.
    • Add Alternate Recipient - Adding an alternate recipient includes the new recipient as a viable participant and leaves the original recipient in place, still capable of completing the agreement.
    The Manage page highlighting the Replace Recipient UI

  4. The information bubble refreshes and asks for the email address of the new recipient.

    • Enter the new email address and an optional message for the new recipient.
    • Select Replace (or Add if adding an alternate recipient).
    The Replace Recipient interface on the Manage page

    A success banner is displayed at the top of the page after the update calling out the old and new email values:

    Teh Success message aftter replacing a recipient.

    An email is delivered to the new recipient immediately after they are added to the agreement.


    When a recipient is added as an alternate recipient, the recipient record on the Manage page changes to show the recipient as an expandable Group with all participants listed.


    A recipient Group expanded to show both participants.

 Once logged in, navigate to the Manage tab, select the agreement you would like to edit, and replace a recipient.

Activity list and audit report

The Activity list clearly shows the events when a recipient is replaced and when another recipient has been added.

Each event type is followed immediately by a "Sent out" event identifying that emails are being delivered.

The agreement's Activity list highlighting the Replace and Add Recipient events.

The Audit Report properly reflects the events when a recipient is replaced or added as an alternate participant:

The audit report highlighting the Replaced recipient and an Added alternate recipient.

Things to know

  • You can only replace recipients that haven't completed their action on the agreement.
  • You cannot replace a recipient with an email identical to a previously used email address. This means you can't replace RecipientA with RecipientB and then Replace RecipientB with RecipientA. Once a recipient is removed from an agreement through the replacement action, they can't be re-added.
  • Recipients assigned a Delegator role cannot be replaced.
  • Agreements sent via the classic Send in Bulk cannot use the Replace Recipient feature. The new Send in Bulk environment supports both Replace and Add Alternative options.
  • You can replace the same recipient index multiple times.
    • When using the include option, you grow the number of potential recipients in the recipient group.
    • If you use the replace action at any time, the list of current recipients is replaced by the single newly nominated address.
  • Recipients in a Recipient Group can be replaced individually, and new recipients can be added.
    • There is no option to remove one recipient without replacing them.
  • Recipients in a parallel participation order can be replaced individually.
  • Recipients defined within a Hybrid routing order can be replaced individually.

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