Field types


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Overview of authored fields

Authoring a document allows the placement of fields to collect recipient data. This data can range from the ubiquitous signature and initial fields to more exotic options like calculated values, hyperlinks to external web pages, and external file attachments.

This article provides a brief summary of each field family and the included unique fields in that family. A link to a more detailed article is available for  

Common vs. Advanced form fields

Where all accounts have access to the common field types, higher tiers of service have access to an additional set of advanced form fields and functionality:

Field-level field type selection

Within the properties of most field types, there s a drop down value that allows you to change the type of field to another field type.

This will significantly speed up form creation when used in conjunction with Automatic Field Detection.

Digital Signature

Signature fields

The Signer fields

Signer info fields

The Signer Info Fields

Signer info fields are used to collect specific information stored in Acrobat Sign. Registered users have this information under their profile.

Usually, these fields are automatically populated with the information on record for the assigned user.

Data fields

The data fields

Data fields are used to collect additional information from the recipient. It also includes objects the recipient can use to make selections or choose options.

More fields

The More Fields tab

Transaction Fields

Stamps tab

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