Configure CC notifications as part of a recipient record


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Enterprise accounts have the option to configure individual agreement recipients to include one or more CC'd parties who are notified about the agreement at the same time as the recipient.

This recipient-bound CC can be helpful in situations such as:

  • An internal party must review the agreement as a non-involved participant.
  • A recipient wants to leverage an assistant to notify them when the agreement demands their attention.
  • A specific step in the signature process demands heightened attention.

The CC'd party does not need to have the same domain as the recipient, allowing for broader notifications of the agreement's progress.


The feature to include CC'd party notifications when a recipient is notified is available for Acrobat Sign Solutions license plans in the commercial environment only.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.


To review and edit the feature controls:

  1. Log in as an administrator and navigate to Account Settings > Send Settings > CCs:
The "Send Settings" admin menu highlighting the "CCs" controls.

When the feature is enabled, the recipient record (on the Send page) will include a CCs option in the configurable Recipient settings section of the recipient record.

  • If the CCs field isn't configured, the value shows as None.
  • If one email value is added as a CC for the recipient, the email address of the CC'd party is displayed.
  • If more than one email value is configured for the recipient, the CC value shows a numerical value describing the number of configured CC'd parties.
The "Send " page highlighting the "CCs" value for an unconfigured recipient, a recipient with one CC, and a recipient with two CCd parties.

When the feature is not enabled, the Recipient settings section does not have the CCs option exposed in any way.


Adding CC'd parties to a recipient record does not replace the function of the global CC field. Both can be configured.
The difference between the two is when the CC'd party is notified. 

  • The Global CC only notifies the CC'd parties when the agreement is completed.
  • The recipient-aligned CC party is notified when the recipient is notified as part of the signature cycle.
    • Note that the recipient-aligned CC'd party is only associated with one individual recipient record. If one person is configured to interact with the agreement multiple times (using multiple recipient records), each recipient record for that person must be configured (or not, as desired). Acrobat Sign does not assume that if the same email is used in multiple recipient records, the same CC notification rules apply to all records.

How it's used

Senders can configure the CC'd party as a property of the recipient record.

The "Send " page showing the configuration panel for the CC'd party.


If the CCd party is expected to review the agreement's content, they must have an active Acrobat Sign account.

When the agreement's signature cycle moves to a new recipient, any recipient-related CC'd parties are notified concurrently with the recipient.

The CC'd party receives an email indicating they have been included in an agreement as a CC'd party. A link is provided for the CC'd party to view the agreement from their Acrobat Sign account. Access for CC'd parties is read-only. If the CC'd party does not have an Acrobat Sign account, they cannot view the agreement.

An example email for a CC'd party highlighting the links to view the agreement .

Other settings to consider

Modifying/Delegating the recipient

There currently is no method to alter the recipient-related CC'd party after the agreement is sent. Modifying the recipient from the Manage page or delegating the signature authority through the recipient's action does not allow the recipient-related CC'd party to be edited.

The Manage page with the recipient list expanded and the CC highlighted.

Limited Document Visibility

Limited Document Visibility (LDV) works as expected.

LDV is designed to expose only the files of an agreement that contain at least one field for the recipient to interact with.

Because the CC'd party isn't the recipient and fields cannot be assigned to them, no pages will be available for the CC'd party to view. An error is triggered indicating this condition.

The LDV error message indicating there are no visible pages for the CCd party.

The exception to this is when the LDV settings enable the option for CC'd parties in the sender's account to view all files. If the sender has a CC'd party with an active Acrobat Sign account, that CC'd party will be able to view the agreement files.

Audit Report and Activity Log

If Audit Reports are configured to show viewing of the agreement emails, the view events are logged for the CC'd party in both the Audit Report and the Activity Log, even if they are denied access to view the agreement itself.

The Audit Report and Activity Log highlighting the CC'd party notifications.

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